Gossip and Rumors
When Friends Fight
Online Bullying
Open-Response Qs
Give one reason why people gossip or spread rumors.....
To Feel Superior To Feel like part of the Group For Control or Power Out of Boredom For Attention Out of Jealousy
True or False: Small arguments, fights or disagreements will happen, even in the best of friendships.
What is verbal bullying?
Name-calling Teasing Insulting (this is repeated behavior when someone targets/picks-on someone else)
What is online bullying?
Sending threatening, taunting or teasing e-mails/texts/snapchats to someone. Using a computer/phone/tablet or any other tech to spread gossip or rumors, or to make someone’s private information public. Pretending to be another person online so you can post or e-mail things that will embarrass or get that person in trouble. Being a “pretend friend” online so you can later hurt or humiliate someone. “Ganging up” on someone in a chat room or on a message board. “Griefing” someone in an online video game by constantly picking on a new or inexperienced player. Texting hurtful or rude comments to someone’s phone. Using chat, IM, or a blog to exclude people, pick on people, or divide the “populars” from the “unpopulars.”
What would you define as a "Positive" group of friends?
Answer may include: Support each other and people outside of the group Encourage each other to be best selves Friendly, kind, enjoy the company of everyone A group that has a common interest or is open to new people
What is one way you can "break the chain of rumors and gossip"?
Make the rumor stop with you Don't be an audience Be a peacemaker Respect others' privacy Get the facts
What are some reasons to end a friendship?
People Change (their interests or connections to each other). Friendships should be flexible but you might find that you and a friend lost a connection or don't have something that is good enough to keep you together. Friendship should be good for you. You should feel supported and that there is a "give and take". If a friendship is bringing your trouble, or you are doing all the work, it might not be worth it. Sometimes it is better to be alone, or search for new friends rather than stay with people who aren't making you be your best self.
What are some things you can try if you think someone is bullying/picking on you? Or what advice/strategies can you give to a friend who is being bullied?
Ignore the bully. Pretend you didn't hear him. Don't even look at him. Walk right past him if you can. Don't cry, get angry, or show that you're upset. That's the bully's goal. Don't give her the satisfaction. Even if you're feeling really hurt, don't let it show. You can talk about or write down your reactions later. Respond to the bully evenly and firmly. Example: "No." "That's what you think." If you can, turn a comment into a joke. Example: The bully says, "Stupid outfit!" You say: "Thanks! I'm glad you noticed." Turn and walk away, or run if you have to. Remove yourself from the situation. Go to a place where an adult is present. Remember that you are not the one with the problem. It's the bully who has the problem. If you're being called names or teased, try "The Fog Tank." Imagine that you're inside a huge fish tank filled with white fog. Then, imagine that the insults are swallowed up by the fog before they reach you. Nothing touches you. Practice by thinking of the worst things a bully can say to you, then letting the fog eat them up. Always talk to a trusted adult for help
What should you do if someone threatens you online or asks for information that feels too personal?
Tell an adult
What would you define as an "unhealthy" friendship?
Answer may include: Someone is constantly mean or negative to someone else even if they each consider themselves friends Someone manipulates/controls the other person or uses shame to make someone look bad A relationship where someone is encouraged to continue conflict or drama with someone else A relationship that is focuses on teasing, gossiping or only talking about shallow (unimportant) things
What is a rumor?
A rumor is a piece of information or a story that has not been verified, meaning that the person telling it doesn't know if it's true or false.
What is the first thing you should do if you get in a fight with a friend or become upset by something he/she did?
THINK about what is going on. How did it start? Who started it? Have any of us done anything to make it worse? Am I angry, or sad/hurt that we are fighting? Do we let things go and move on? Or are the emotions serious enough that we need space or someone to help us out?
What is Relationship or Social Bullying?
Refusing to talk to someone or refusing to include someone in a game or activity Spreading lies or rumors or making comments about someone to others in front of the person Making someone do things he/she doesn't want to do
Why do people bully/tease others online?
It’s anonymous. The Web lets you hide behind a fake user name or alias, and many bullies feel protected by this “false identity.” Because they feel hidden and shielded, bullies might do and say things they would never dream of doing to someone face to face. They want revenge. If a person is bullied in school, he might decide to fight back online. You don’t have to be a typical “bully” to be mean with IM or e-mail. Many tweens who are good with technology see online cruelty as a way of getting even with people who push them around in the real world. They think everybody’s doing it. Being mean online may seem like something that kids just do…simply a part of life these days. A person may see her friends do it, and think it’s okay. They get caught up in it. Sometimes online bullies start out small, with a funny comment or a joke. Then things slowly get out of hand. They start posting meaner and meaner things, and before they know it, they’re really hurting people with the things they write. They don’t understand how much it hurts. When you’re cruel to someone online, you can’t see her cry, so you might not understand just how bad you’re making her feel.
What are some healthy ways of dealing with people who you think might be talking about you behind your back?
Ignore it Speak to a friend who can give you good advice or help you cool down Consider: What facts do you have? Ask yourself: Is it worth it to know more information? Am I creating more headaches/drama by investigating it?
What is Gossip?
Gossip is talk that is somehow "juicy," meaning it deals with subjects that are shocking or personal.
Why is saying "I'm sorry" important?
Because it shows someone that you are taking responsibility for your own actions. It shows that you want to move forward and work on restoring the relationship. It gives the other person the opportunity to open up, talk or apologize too
What can a bystander do to stop bullying/mean behavior?
Say "stop it" Tell an adult or other responsible friends/family Don't laugh or watch bullying for entertainment Help the target (person picked on) by talking to them or helping them get out of the situation Fill out a bullying report in the office
What are some ways you can protect yourself from being teased/picked-on/bullied online?
Don’t retaliate. If someone is mean to you online or through text/chat, don’t hit back. It might seem natural to give them a taste of his or her own cruelty, but this will just keep the war going. Ignore it. Face to face, it can be very hard to “walk away” from an insult. Online, it’s actually much easier. Turn off your computer and walk away. Do not go back to Web sites or chat rooms where you’ve been bullied. Tell an adult. Let a parent or guardian know that someone is bullying you online. Block the bully. If someone bullies you, you can unsubscribe to a group, delete an app, or block the person. If you don’t know how to do this, ask an adult to help. Never share private or personal information with someone you don’t know or don’t trust and it's better to share no personal information with your friends if it can be sent or shared with others. Never post your e-mail/phone/address/name on a public message board or in a chat room. Don’t be a victim, but don’t be a bully either. Never post a comment or send an e-mail when you’re angry.
What are the character traits (personality, thoughts and skills) of people who avoid conflict and drama and seem to always do the right thing?
Some answers: They can filter out/ignore negative communication They are able to focus on work because they want to succeed They don't like using insults and gossip feels silly or shallow They can focus on being with friends who are kind, supportive and have similar interests
Define one of these types of Gossip: Slander, Misinformation, Fears/Concerns, Cyber-Gossip, Dishing or Jokes/Wild Stories.
Slander is when people spread rumors or lies about a person in order to purposely cause pain or damage. Maybe they want to see this person humiliated or turn others against him or her. They make up lies or pass on embarrassing rumors that probably aren't true. Dishing. You may hear people say, "Give me the dish!" or "Let's dish the dirt!" Dishing is another word for gossiping, and a kind of general spreading of rumors and gossip that people don't usually think twice about. Fears or Concerns Many rumors tap into people's common fears, and this makes them sound true even though they usually are not. These are often rumors that involve the threat of physical danger, the unknown and unfamiliar, and things that are gross or way-out weird. Jokes or Wild Stories Sometimes rumors start out as silly jokes, then get spread around and changed over and over again. When lots of people are telling the same tale, it makes it seem more like the truth. You might think, "How can all these people be wrong?" Misinformation Many rumors are just about people getting things wrong, or believing in exaggerations. Often people will swear up and down that they know something to be true when, in reality, they're just passing on a rumor they've heard from someone. Cyber-Gossip If you've ever heard something juicy in an online chat room or in an IM from a friend, you know that the Internet has made it easy to spread a rumor to lots of people with lightning-fast speed. "Cyber-gossip" can involve any of the other types mentioned here.
If a group fight or conflict (something involving 3 or more people) continues and is making people upset or causing trouble in or out of school, what is the BEST thing you can do?
Talk to a trusted adult to get help, ideas, advice or guidance on how to move forward. Mediation or circles can help bring people together to solve the conflict.
What did the word "bully" mean 500 years ago?
The word "bully" used to mean the total opposite of what it means now. Five-hundred years ago, it meant friend, family member, or sweetheart. The root of the word comes from the Dutch "boel", meaning lover or brother. Big change!
How many hours per day do you think the average 8-12 year-old spends online or using social media/computer/phone? (Remember that weekend time adds to the overall average).
6 hours per day, not including time spent on computers for homework/school
If you had to replace roasting/rashing/insulting with something positive, funny or challenging what would it be? How can you make people laugh without insults?