physical science
Force and Motion
Earth and Space
Life Science
The temperature at which a liquid turns to a gas.
What is Boiling point 100 degrees Celsius.
What forms of energy are not created from a lit candle?
What is electrical, mechanical, and sound?
A car rolled down the ramp and stopped at 40 inches. What force caused the car to stop?
What is Friction?
What is the order of the planets in our solar system?
What is the initial step in the process of the food web/chain?
What is The Sun
What do you have when you combine peanuts, cheerios, raisins, and pretzels.
What is mixture?
Your I-pod uses electrical energy to work. What energy does an I-pod release in when being used.
What is sound, light energy, and thermal energy?
In science what is the definition of Energy?
What is the ability to do work?
What causes the Day and night cycle the is observed on earth Daily?
What is Earth rotation on its Axis
The plants make their own food by using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. What is the process called when the plant makes its own food and release oxygen into the air?
What is Photosynthesis
Mr. Man dissolved 60 grams of salt into 400 hundred milliliters of a liquid. he then set the solution aside until the liquid evaporated. How much salt would he have after water evaporated?
What is 60grams of salt?
Pushing the "on" switch to an Xbox will turn on the Xbox. This happens because pushing the switch creates what type of circuit.
What is a closed or complete circuit?
Explain how the light travels and would act when it hits a mirror.
What is straight line and Reflection or bounce.
What is the explanation for the sun's movement across the sky?
What is Earth's rotation on its axis?
Explain the positive and negative of a fire in the forest ecosystem?
What is growth of new plants, return nutrients to the soil and negative effects lost of habitat, (food and shelter)
Jorge is cooking arroz with his mama, she tells him to stir the arroz with the wooden spoon not the metal one. Why would mom tell him not to use the metal spoon?
What is conductor of thermal energy?
The flowing water makes the turbines spin. What type of energy is used to make the turbines spin in a dam?
What is Mechanical energy?
Student uses a spring scale to pull a 50-gram block horizontally across a wood desk. Then the student pulls the block the same distance across surfaces of carpet, sandpaper, and glass. Which question is this investigation most likely designed to answer?
What is how different surfaces affect the amount of force needed to move a block?
What is the explanation for the seasons we observe on earth?
What is Earths orbit around the Sun and tilt of the earth?
The Downy Woodpecker builds his home in the Oak Tree. The Oak tree and the Downy Woodpecker are both part of the same?
What is Ecosystem
What are 6 different ways we classified matter in our science labs?
What is density, mass, solubility, insulator or conductor, magnetic, physical state of mater,
A series circuit with three lit bulbs. How many of the bulbs will remain lit if the wire is cut at the point between bulb 1 and 2?
What is Zero?
Mr. Turners class is conducting a lab. they have one ramp and four different mass items. They role each item down the ramp at the same start point and observe the distance it pushed and object. What is this experiment testing?
What is amount of force on an object?
Use your science journal to give three physical characteristics that are shared between all three Sun, Earth, Moon
What is a core, gravity, rotation, found in our solar system?
Students are having difficulty learning the flow of energy through a food web. Create a food web using 10 students to demonstrate the flow of energy through the web.
What is I will show you on stage!