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This closest relative to land plants lives on the shores of lakes and rivers.
What is green algae/charophyte?
Application of this gaseous hormone ripens fruit at your local grocery store instead of on the plant.
What is ethylene gas?
Don't get stuck on this process performed by prokaryotes which is necessary to convert free atmospheric N2 into usable NH3 for plants.
What is nitrogen fixation?
These plants flower when the number of "dark" hours exceeds the number of "light" hours.
What are short-day plants?
Unlike carpels, these parts of the flower produce pollen and are made up of anthers and filaments.
What are the stamen?
This polymer prevents exposed zygotes from drying out but is also adapted to encase the spores of land plants.
What is sporopollenin?
This type of pathogen neither severely harms nor kills host plants.
What is a non-virulent/avirulent pathogen?
Examples of this programmed cell death include leaves falling in autumn and flowers dying after fertilization.
What is senescence?
Name this gene: isolated from a microbe, successfully kills insects feeding on crops, integrated into the DNA of many crop plant lines, most commonly used in corn.
What is Bt? or What is the Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin gene?
This tissue type is the outer layer, like skin, providing a barrier against physical damage and pathogens.
What is the dermal tissue? Or What is the epidermis?
This last stage of seed development is characterized by dehydration and cessation of metabolism and growth.
What is dormancy?
After a signal on the cell surface is received, this system transduces and amplifies the signal before other proteins carry out the cellular response.
What is the second messenger system? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2er_Dfgg44
Nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen are in this group of largely essential elements is needed in large amounts in plants LARGE and small.
What are macronutrients?
Based on the word for "tree" and the word for "time", this word is used to describe the analyzation of growth ring patterns in trees.
What is dendrochronology?
These predecessors of photosynthetic tissue can look like fingers alongside of the apical meristem.
What are leaf primordia?
An imperative development in the creation of seeded plants, this event resulted in less visible haploids.
What is the reduction of the gametophyte?
When a plant is shaded by its taller neighbor, this red-light sensing system triggers the plant to grow taller to avoid the shade.
What is the phytochrome system?
This mutualistic fungus has hyphae that grow into or in between plant cells in the root.
What are arbuscular mycorrhizae/ symbiotic endomycorrhizae?
This meristematic tissue layer generates both wood and bark, residing between the xylem and phloem.
What is the (vascular) cambium?
By using this (___) strategy for reproduction, early land plants primarily relied on this (___) reproductive cell to concur the world.
What is alternation of generations and the spore?
This acid acts as the primary internal signaling molecule enabling plants to withstand drought; it accumulates in leaves, causing stomata to close, thereby reducing water loss.
What is ABA? Or What is Abscisic Acid?