This is the first Disney film ever released on DVD.
What is Mulan?
This is the first film whose acted parts were done entirely using digital motion capture.
What is The Polar Express?
This 2010 film was conceived and executed as a musical, except that musical numbers were replaced with fight scenes.
What is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World?
This is the first Wallace and Gromit film in which 1) Wallace is not the only character who speaks and 2) Wallace doesn't eat any cheese.
What is A Close Shave?
This is the first film released and the first film released in IMAX 3D by Sony Pictures Animation.
What is Open Season?
Weeks into production on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford noticed a blonde he did not recognize because the actress dons a black wig in the film.
Who is Cate Blanchett?
Zack Snyder included a dedication to his daughter Autumn in this film.
What is Zack Snyder's Justice League?
This film won all four of the categories it was nominated for at the Oscars that year, despite not even being nominated for Best Picture. An even more impressive feat, considering that upon reading the script, Laurence Fishburne wasn't sure if this film would even be made.
What is The Matrix?
Spike Lee wanted this actor to play Sal in Do the Right Thing, but he declined, with the role eventually going to Robert Aiello, someone this actor had collaborated with on The Godfather: Part II and Once Upon a Time in America
What is Robert De Niro?
Massive Attack's MV for Voodoo in My Blood features Rosamund Pike reenacting an infamous subway scene from this film.
What is Possession?
Director Samuel Fuller was impressed with this popular Hollywood actress' audition for a leading role in Pickup on South Street, but ultimately did not cast her due to her "overwhelming sensuality".
Who is Marilyn Monroe?
Steve McQueen was arrested and briefly imprisoned for speeding on the set of this film.
What is The Great Escape?
The boat at the start of Luca is named Gelsomina, a nod to this film, whose poster can also be seen in the film.
What is La Strada?
Among the actors considered for the leading role in the fourth installment of this quintology are Shia LaBeouf, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire, Michael Fassbender, Paul Dano, and Oscar Isaac, who landed another role in the film.
What is The Bourne Legacy?
Some of the gang members in John Carpenter's 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13 were played by students of this university, who enjoyed finding ways to die in bloody fashion.
What is USC?
Ron Flagge, who has had small roles in films like Déjà Vu, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Green Book, got his start as an extra in this 1977 short film, directed by a student while they were still at UCLA.
What is The Diary of an African Nun?
Joe Pesci was considered for the role of mafia member Nicky Santora in Donnie Brasco, but it ultimately went to Bruno Kirby. Kirby had replaced Pesci in a role the latter was considered for in this earlier film.
What is The Godfather: Part II (Young Clemenza)?
Harrison Ford turned down an offer to star in this film; 3 years later, he starred in this film's director's next film.
What is Alien (Captain Dallas)?
While Henry Fonda starred in this film, he was credited among the bottom half of the actors.
What is 12 Angry Men?
The 2016 Berlin Film Festival opened with this film.
What is Hail, Caesar!?
When Steve Martin met Olivia Hussey, she was surprised to hear that she was in one of his favorite films, but it isn't Romeo and Juliet.
What is Black Christmas?
What is GriGris?
This is the first film Michael Cera ever auditioned for.
What is The Sixth Sense?
This actress makes a recurring cameo as a news anchor in Vice (2018); her next role was as a real-life news anchor in The Loudest Voice (2019).
Who is Naomi Watts?
This animated samurai film was submitted for the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, one of 2 Japanese films that year, but it was not nominated.
What is Sword of the Stranger?