Who is responsible for improving your self esteem?
You see a group of people looking at you in the lunch room and immediately think they are talking negatively about you.
Mind Reading
First step in problem solving
Identify the problem
You ask your brother to play a video game with you and he says no. How do you feel?
Angry, sad
How does our body let us know we're feeling anxious?
Fast breathing, can't stop thinking about the problem, sick to your stomach, sweating
How likely is someone with low self esteem to work towards reaching goals?
Not likely
It is time to go to school and you start thinking it's going to be a horrible, boring day. Everyone is going to make you mad and you don't want to go.
Fortune Telling
Second step in problem solving
Think of ALL possible solutions
How do we control anger?
Deep breaths, count to 10, walk away, listen to music you enjoy, focus on things you are looking forward to, name 5 things you can hear
One way to manage anxiety.
Ask yourself how likely versus how unlikely your worry is, count to 10, name 5 things you can hear, take slow, deep breaths
How likely is someone with high self esteem to work towards reaching their goals?
More likely
You get a small stain on your shirt and throw a fit because your day is ruined.
Third step in problem solving
List pros and cons for each solution
How does your body tell you that you are getting angry?
Breathing heavy, clenching fists or jaw, yelling, throwing things, feeling red or hot
Who is your favorite counselor?
I hope I just heard "Mrs. Amy".......
How do you improve your self esteem?
Focus on things you are good at, times you have helped others, things you do that make others happy, challenges you have overcome
You got an A on your Math test and you're going to a friend's house after school but your day is ruined because the bus driver made you mad.
Ignoring the good
Fourth step in problem solving
Choose the best solution
What are some consequences of not managing your anger?
Getting in trouble, losing friendships, breaking things you need
Name a situation that often causes you anxiety
........I'm listening
Name 3 things you are good at
How do we manage thinking errors?
Change negative thoughts to positive thoughts
If we have a problem and think of only one solution and use it, we are being....
Name a time you did something out of anger and regretted it later.
...........I'm listening
Is it okay to feel sad, happy, angry, nervous, etc?
Yes! All of our emotions are part of life. Emotions change often and just because we feel sad, angry or nervous now doesn't mean we will feel that way forever.