What has floppy ears and large feet
What is a Ukallik
It's a nice summer hot day and the birds are singing and what is shinning ?
What Siqiññaagiksuq (the Sun is shining)
you are smiling because you are ?
What is Quviasuktuŋa
(I am Happy)
A Plate
What is Puggutaq
The color Yellow
What is Suŋaqpsluk
Most Alaskan citizens like to have this Alaskan animal on there dinner plates.
What is a Moose
The sun is out, but it's not shining through the sky because it is ________ ?
What is Nuviyaliqsuq
When it's Halloween, and you go into a haunted house, you say :: I am _______
What is Iqsiruŋa.
(Iam scared)
A Spoon
What is Aluutaq
The color Red
What is Kaviqsaaq
What Alaskan animal has been overpopulating here in town and you need to look out for on your way to school ?
What is a Kayuqtuq
Your Aaka tells you not to play out when it is ____ ?
What is Sailuktuq
You hear of a friend talking about you and you get _____ .
What is Uumisuktuŋa
(I am mad)
A Woman's knife
What is an Ulu
The color Blue
What is Uquaqtaaq
What Animals run in a pack ?
What is Amaguq
You should be carful ridding on you Honda and snowmachine because it is ________ outside.
What is Taktuktuq
When you are Sad and Lonesome you are what ?
What is Aliasuktuŋa
(I am sad)
What is a cup
What is Qallun
The color Pink
What is Ittukpalak
What is the Alaskan animal that everyone likes to hunt for here in the Northwest Arcitc ?
What is Tuttu
When your Aana say's: don't blow away !
What is Anuqłiqsuq
most students when they first get to class you may be ___.
What is Iññiktuuqtuŋa
(Iam Sleepy or lazzy)
What is a fork
What is Kukiuraq
The color Purple
What is Tuŋuaqtaaq