Types of bullying
Physical, Verbal & Social
Common causes of conflict?
Greed, disagreement, opinion, power/responsability, stealing, comments, disabiliets and ownership
What some common causes of conflict?
Disaggreement, greed, opinion, envy, power/responsibilty
What affects mental health?
Phyiscal health, Trauma, social, Genetics
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone uses their power over others to try to hurt them again and again
What is conflict?
Conflict is a thing that happened like an argument
What is mental health?
Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being.
What to do if you or someone else is getting bullied?
Don't ignore it tell someone you can trust
How to resolve conflict?
Walk away from the situaiton or go to a gardian or parent if it gets out of hand
What is a right?
A right is the vaue of each person regardless of there background, where we live, what we look like, what we think or what we believe.
Should you tell someone if your mental health is bad?
It's a good idea to think carefully about who you will tell, and when would be the best time.
Learn to defened yourself
This is more so if you are getting physicaly bullied Join a karate, kungfu or jujitsu so you feel more physically confident
After affects of conflict?
It can cause stress and anxiety around certain indivisual
What does a good relationship look like?
Suporting eachother, respecting eachother, trustful, thoughtful, kind, communitcation, listening, enjoy time with eachother
What causes stuff like depression?
Traumatic or stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one or major financial problems. Personality traits that include negativity, such as low self-esteem, being too dependent or self-critical, or always thinking the worst will happen. History of other mental health disorders, such as a personality disorder.
Why people bully others?
This isn't the case for every bully but it can be they are getting buillied themselfs and they are lashing out at others or famliy problems or they can just be spoiled
What thoughts/feellings do people have during conflict?
Aggresion, hurt/pain, heat of the moment statement, mad or resentful and over confident
What is denying someone's rights?
To challange someone's very humanity
What do people misunderstand about mental health
For example, it was a common misconception that children could not have mental illness. Others believe that if a person is perceived to have a 'good life' e.g. being financially affluent, with a happy family and/or good career, that they cannot experience mental health problems.