Conflict Resolution
Rights and Responsibilities
Help Seeking Behaviours

What are some thoughts/feelings people have during conflict?

Frustration, Sadness, Upset, Confusion, Depressed, Helpless, Inferior, Anxious


Is bullying a one time thing or is it ongoing?

Bullying is an ongoing and repeated act.


What is a right?

Human rights recognis the inherit value of each person regardless of background, where they live, what they look like, what they think or what the believe.


Who are some peole we can go to to seek help?

Teachers, Parents, Siblings, Friends, Family, People we're comfortable with


What does it mean to belong?

Being part of a community is important for peoples sense of beloning. When people feel a connection to others, they feel accepted for who they are, leading to a stronger sense of identity. This will positively impact their health and wellbeing in a variety of ways.


What are some common causes of conflict?

Who goes first, People having a disagreement, Opinions, Politics, False accusations, Power, Resposnsibility, Ownership, Physical Violence, Stealing, Different Ideas, Religion/ beliefs, Unnecesary comments etc


What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone uses the power they have over others to try to hurt or upset them again and again.


What is a responsibility?

Our duty and obligation to ensure other's rights are being met and protected.


What are 2 reasons people do not seek help?

-Ignoring the problem

-Scared of asking the wrong person

-Don't want to burden someone

-To scared or shy to ask


What are some situations a person might feel a sense of belonging?


-At home

-Hanging out with friends

-Doing a favorite hobby

-Playing a sport you like


What are the impacts of conflict?

Broken relationships, Bad mental health, Low self esteem, Creates tension at home/ work or school, make people physically or mentally ill


What are the three main types of bullying?

Verbal, Physical and Social 


What are three examples of a human right?

-good education

-clean water

-fair paying job

-good health


What are some help seeking behaviours?

-asking for assistance 

-asking for advice

-managing anxious feelings


How do you feel when you feel a sense of belonging?








Name one of the six conflict resolution strategies.

Active Listening, Calm Communication, Empathy, Problem Solving, Compromise, Seeking Help


What does it mean to have power in a relationship?

Power is the ability of a person to exert control and influence within a relationship. It can involve taking charge, fixing issues and offering emotional support. It can also be used by one person to gain an advantage or preferential treatment.


What is an example of a responsibility?

I have a responsibility to...

-be respectful of other people's ideas and opinions

-to treat everyone else fairly

-to motivate others

-to listen to others ideas and opinions


What is help seeking?

It is reconising you have a problem and need assistance to support you through your difficulties.


What are some places someone might feel a sense of belonging?



-At home

-Sports club

-At your theripist/sphycolegist/counciler


Define one of the conflict resolution stratagies.

Active Listening-Seeking to understand the meaning and emotions of what someone says.

Calm Communication- Ensure thjat you can speak in a clear and controlled manner and not overly influenced by your emotions.

Empathy-Seekingg to place yourself in soeone elses shoes/ see things from someones perspective.

Problem Solving-Looking for solutions in response to issues or areas of conflict.

Compromize-Being willing to talk and give things up in order to fix a problem.

Seeking Help-Recognising when someone elses assistance is needed.


What are the five signs of a relationship that has an inbalanced power?

-One person never compromises

-One person doesn't listen to the other/s

-One person always takes the lead or has to be first

-One persons love is conditional

-One person holds grudges or keeps score


Why should we have rights?

They recognise our freedom to make chouces about our lives and to develope our potential as human beings.


A student in your class is sending online messages that are insulting and rude to you, Who do you ask for help?

-A trusted adult 

-Parent/ Grandparents

-A teacher

-Report them on the social media platform


When do you know you don't belong?


-no-one talks to you

-you can't relate to anyone

-you don't feel comfotable/safe

-you don't like where you are