Haptics and Game Theory
Aesthetics and Semiology
Narrative and Abstraction
Information Systems

This is the colloquial definition of Game Theory.

What is "The Mathematics of Psychology?"


This is Jesper Juul's sixth, and perhaps most consequential, feature of his "definition of a game."

What is "negotiable impact/outcome?"


Semiotics deals with the philosophical meaning of a thing, while aesthetics deals with this aspect.

What is the physical depiction?


Because games are a medium that allow us to examine a series of intricate, moving parts, they are considered "highly this."

What is multimodal?


Dunbar's number sets a limit to the total number of active interactions any individual may have at a time - it's usually noted to be around this value.

What is 150?


UX/UI designers typically go for this type of haptic control over other options - which helps explain why so many devices are now touch screens.

What is direct manipulation?


Juul characterizes games as a "balancing act" between boredom and frustration, and he notes that successful games must find the "sweet spot," which he calls this.

What is the "Flow Channel?"


This board game was invented with Christian religious aesthetics in mind; that's why in the original version a misstep had you falling down a "snake," a la a "sin."

What is Chutes and Ladders/Snakes and Ladders?


Mario's three "lives" are not literal resurrection, but rather merely an abstract representation of this common game feature.

What are chances or opportunities?


This type of game genre utilizes the player base itself, and the information they transfer amongst themselves, as a game mechanic.

What is an MMO?

According to Game Theory, the matrix of outcomes in the "Prisoner's Dilemma" problem shows that, mathematically, it is always the correct move to do this.

What is confess?


This is the "game within the game."

What is the Metagame?


Those unfamiliar with aesthetic design often confuse this intentional graphic style with "bad graphics" - Minecraft is perhaps the best example.

What is "stylized?"


In most mediums, this narrative trick acts to remind the consumer they're not seeing reality, but in Video Games, they're instead a necessary part of the interactive process.

What is a Fourth Wall Break?


The value of an information network, according to Moore's Law, is derived not from the number of nodes on the network, but rather from this.

What is the information transferred across the network?


This famous Game Theory problem involves three doors, two goats, and a car.

What is Monty Hall?


In the absence of Juul's sixth rule, any number of applications can be considered "games," like investment banking, for example. This application straddles the line between "game" and "game with consequences."

What is gambling?


Semiotics, the study of symbols and their meaning, was popularized in the mid 20th century by this French philosopher, author of "Semiotics" and "Writing Degree Zero."

Who was Roland Barthes?


This is the technical term for the player-created or player controlled piece of the video game environment - likely approved by James Cameron.

What is an Avatar?


It has been argued that the success of games like World of Warcraft isn't due to their game mechanics, which are rather obtuse, but rather that they were amongst the first games to blend game concepts with this, which wasn't "officially" developed until years later.

What is a social network?


Haptic design isn't limited to just video games; for example, cars are rarely fitted with this haptic control any more, either due to consumers not wanting it or not understanding how to use it.

What is a manual transmission/5 speed?


According to Juul, games which adhere to all six of his criteria (rule-based formal systems, valorization of outcome, etc.) fit into a particular box that he calls this.

What is "The Magic Circle?"


The first, and thus far only, video game to win a Grammy in aesthetic music and sound design is this title from Sid Meier.

What is Civilization IV?


The way games embody narrative aspects like setting, ability, and representation of real-world events has a specific name: it's called this.

What is abstract representation?


Information systems, and the study of communication, has applications on more than just games; it also shows up in a number of other spheres. Name three of these areas (there are seven total, including games).

What are (geo)politics, propaganda, media, advertising/marketing, social networking, and technology.