Q. What comes under AGI Center?
What is CHIT CHAT?
What is seniors gathering for social & networking with each other
What is AGI Center?
What is Mind, Body & Soul
What is the age limit for CHIT CHAT?
What is 65+
What kind of Educatinal Programming does AGI Center have?
What is Aging Gracefully, healthy habits, Hope, Diabetes, Hygiene, Disaster Management etc.
What kind of activity happens weekly?
What is refreshment & few board games
What type of activities is provided for Seniors after YOGA?
What is mental health activities, mind games & Doctor’s Seminars
What are the timings for CHIT CHAT?
What is 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
what are Senior Center Goals?
What is promote holistic well being through diverse programming
How often does CHIT CHAT takes place?
What is CHIT CHAT is a weekly program