
The Board of Trustees voted on, but declined to admit, women in IWU's first semester as a collegiate institution. What year was that?

What is 1851?


Idellette, Annette and Jeanne are the names of three foreign exchange students that IWU hosted during World War I. Which European country were they from?

What is France?


What was the first intercollegiate women’s competition to be broadcast live on an IWU station and where did it air?

What is Basketball and WESN?


In 1874, a building called the Ladies’ Hall opened near campus. Ten years later it was renamed Henrietta Hall. What was the function of this building?

What is name of the first residence for women?


In 1927 Mildred Hunt advanced the cause for IWU women exponentially when she became the first full female professor at IWU who was not in the humanities. What discipline was she in?

What is Math?


The year that the Board of Trustees allowed women to enroll was 1870, which was the same year that this famous suffragist visited Bloomington-Normal. Who was this woman who gave more than her 2 cents-worth to the cause?

Who is Susan B. Anthony?


Margaret Sudduth went to Wellesley to pursue a teacher’s course in literature and history after receiving a B.S. from IWU in 1880. With failing eyesight she had to leave the program, but she overcame this problem and went on to achieve acclaim as the long-time editor of the newspaper for which pre-suffrage women’s political organization?

What is the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?


This game had its origins in South America and made it to IWU in 1893 in order to become part of the physical education program for women. Name that game.

What is Basketball?


This benefactress donated funds for two buildings on campus, although she insisted that the first one, a library, be named for her husband. Today her building remains and it is the only one on campus that officially carries only a first name.

What is Evelyn Chapel?


Jennie Fowler Willing, English Language and Literature professor, achieved a remunerative distinction at IWU in 1874 that women still struggle with today.

What is pay equity?


The so-called “women’s hours,” were finally abolished in 1972--100 years after the first woman graduated from IWU. Tell us what women’s hours are.

What is a curfew?


Norma Dionne Phillips, Class of 1957, wasn’t hamming it up when she transferred to IWU for the opportunities presented by which program?

What is Theatre Arts?


If he had been on the faculty in the 1930s, Michael Phelps may have been asked to administer {what} test to students as part of their graduation requirements.

What is a swimming test?


Today’s Council for IWU Women, founded in 2006, is not the only philanthropic group of its kind in our history. Out of the following, only one restricted membership to women. Which of these is it? The Women’s Education Association, founded in 1874; the Women’s University Guild, founded in 1906; the University Circle/IWU Women’s League, founded in 1921; and the Women’s Caucus, which was founded in 1972 revived again in 2014.

What is the Women’s Caucus?


In 1974, IWU alumna and English professor Pamela Muirhead told a campus audience that she could not get a credit card or open a checking account without her husband. Sociology professor Emily Dunn Dale told the same audience she couldn’t purchase a cross country airplane ticket at a family rate if her husband didn’t fly with her. What Constitutional Amendment were these women advocating for?

What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?


Her middle name might be Betsy but she did not create any national flags here! This woman was the first woman to enroll at IWU and was also co-founder of KKG.

Who was Kate B. Ross?


Marietta B.R. Shay, Class of 1879, didn’t worry about prudence when she beat out the competition, including her husband, for top honors in her class. What was her degree in?

What is a Law degree?


It wasn’t until 1977 that women jumped all the hurdles needed to compete in this intercollegiate athletic event. Name the sport.

What is track and field?


This woman became IWU’s first female member of the Board of Trustees following her husband’s death in 1892. She was re-elected continuously until her death in 1906. IWU’s first free-standing library holds the family’s name as a lasting memorial to their contributions of time and money. Name this woman or her family.

Who is Martha Buck?


In 1919, Ruth Hayes and Marjorie Benson Preston became IWU’s first instructors in two different fields of science. Name them.

What are Biology and Chemistry?


Although the Board of Trustees voted to admit African-Americans in 1867, it wasn’t until 60 years after IWU’s founding that the first African-American woman, Josephine Mabel Jackson, graduated. What year was that?

What is 1910?


Lori DeLaCruz, Class of 1989, was the first president of which of the following organizations: CLASE, Feminist Majority, or SALSA when it was founded in 1988.

What is CLASE?


You may think it rhetorical to say so, but the first opportunity IWU women had at intercollegiate competition was in which activity?

What is Debate?


Please name IWU's first co-ed dorm, established in 1976—you will find it on the corner of East & University.

What is Gulick Hall?


We can sing the praises of Carren Moham, who achieved the distinction of being IWU’s first African-American woman to achieve the rank of full professor in 2011. Name the program she taught in.

What is the School of Music--Voice?