Formatting Titles
Clauses and Phrases
Formatting Quotations
Semicolons, colons, and commas

The Gobi Desert in mongolia is rich with Fossils of ancient life.

The Gobi Desert in Mongolia is rich with fossils of ancient life. 


Format this book title correctly:

pride and prejudice 

Pride and Prejudice 


Identify the appositive phrase:

I love going to Disney World, the happiest place on earth, because I have great memories with family, my friends, and all the characters I've met while in the parks. 

the happiest place on earth


Fix the following sentence:

She looked at the door while she said "I think it's time for me to leave".

She looked at the door while she said, "I think it's time for me to leave."


Punctuate this sentence correctly:

I like seafood however I will not eat sushi.

I like seafood; however, I will not eat sushi.


Henry Ford introduced assembly lines at Ford Motor company in michigan.

Henry Ford introduced assembly lines at Ford Motor Company in Michigan.


Title this short story title correctly: 

lamb to the slaughter

"Lamb to the Slaughter"


What is the definition of a phrase?

A group of words that does not contain a subject/verb pair.


Fix the following quotation:

She couldn't believe that the study confirmed her hypothesis that, "Most people who procrastinate work well in high-pressure situations".

She couldn't believe that the study confirmed her hypothesis that "most people who procrastinate work well in high-pressure situations."


Punctuate the sentence correctly: 

I wrote down my grocery list chips, apples, bread, cheese, milk, and coffee.

I wrote down my grocery list: chips, apples, bread, cheese, milk, and coffee.


The reporters waited in the White House Lobby for president Biden to answer their questions. 

The reporters waited in the White House lobby for President Biden to answer their questions.


Format this song title correctly

don't stop believing 

"Don't Stop Believing" 


Write an example of an independent clause, a dependent clause, and a phrase.

Multiple possibilities


Fix the following quotations

She ran into her sister's room and asked "will you please just do my chores for me this one time"

She ran into her sister's room and asked, "Will you please just do my chores for me this one time?"


Fix the punctuation in the following sentence:

My favorite movies are The Great Gatsby, directed by Bar Luhrmann, Hamlet, directed by Keneth Branaugh, and Little Womendirected by Greta Gerwig.

My favorite movies are The Great Gatsby, directed by Bar Luhrmann; Hamlet, directed by Keneth Branaugh; and Little Women, directed by Greta Gerwig.


I ran into mrs. Smith at the mexican restaurant on templeton Street. 

I ran into Mrs. Smith at the Mexican restaurant on Templeton Street.


Format this article title correctly:

the case against high school sports

"The Case Against High School Sports"


Identify the phrase:

My sister, like my mother, is a fabulous singer

like my mother


Fix the following quotation:

I am simply shocked that he looked straight at the boss and calmly said "I don't feel like working today, so I'm going home"

I am simply shocked that he looked straight at the boss and calmly said, "I don't feel like working today, so I'm going home"!


Find and correct punctuation errors in the following sentence:

I couldn't go to the birthday party; because I had to stay home and do homework.

I couldn't go to the birthday party because I had to stay home and do homework.


Every Autumn, my friends and I go visit my aunt, who lives in the northeast. 

Every autumn, my friends and I go visit my aunt, who lives in the Northeast.


List three examples of containers (titles that should be italicized) 

List three examples of titles that would be contained (titles that should be in quotes)

Italicized: Plays, books, newspaper and magazine titles, albums

Quotes: Poems, songs, short stories, articles, songs.


Identify the dependent clause:

After the unexpected loss, the coach reminded the team to practice harder in preparation for the next game.

After the unexpected loss,


Fix the following quotation:

No, seriously. My cat looked straight at me and said that "nobody will ever believe that a cat spoke English"

No, seriously. My cat looked straight at me and said that "nobody will ever believe that a cat spoke English"


Write a sentence that correctly uses a colon, a comma, and a semicolon.

Answer vary