Can I make my classroom cozy by bringing furniture, lamps, curtains, microwaves, and a coffee maker?

Classrooms should be cheerful, clean, inviting, uncluttered, and organized for instructional success and safety. All personal belongings are secure in cabinet spaces. Microwaves, refrigerators, coffee pots, lamps, personal furniture, and curtains are prohibited by fire code.


I have a student who has become profoundly distressed and threatening violence. Should I leave the student in the room and remove the other students and myself from the room?

No. It is absolutely imperative that you contact the office immediately for assistance. Do not leave your room; a member of the Success Team will push-in. In the meantime, please avoid using physical contact if at all possible. Use non-confrontational de-escalation approaches.


How many days of school can staff miss?

Our students learn best when educators are present. Our goal is to have 95% staff attendance. In order to reach this goal, a staff member should not miss more than 12 days during the school year.


I'm going to be out of town for a wedding. What are the expectations around subs and sub plans?

1. Fill out the personal day request form.

2. Reach out to subs on the preferred sub list.

3. Write sub plans that meet the guidelines in the staff handbook. All of the links above are in the staff handbook.


Can students play on their Chromebooks when they are done with their work or during choice time?

No. Computers will be used exclusively for activities that support educational access and instructional growth. To promote a well-rounded learning experience, computers will not be used during arrival and morning meetings or during explore periods and choice time. These times are for activities that foster personal interaction, creativity, and hands-on learning.


Who's in charge of cleaning classrooms? Teachers or facilities?

Each teacher is responsible for the condition of their classroom. Have students clean up the classroom every day, put their chairs up, and make sure that the floor is ready for vacuuming.

Facilities are in charge of dusting, windows, floor care, and anything needing repair or attention.


Who is the Student Support Team and what do they do?

Ali Alhilo, Student Support Liaison,Jordyn Walker, School Social Worker, Stephanie Patton, School Psychologist, Rebecca Mercer, Principal

They provide support and interventions to ensure all students are successful from an asset-based mindset


Am I required to join a committee this year?

We want teachers to only invest time in committees they are passionate about! Some committees are paid. We have disbanded traditional committees and instead have a group of teachers whose primary purpose is to help all staff feel fulfilled and happy at work called the Teacher Happiness Committee. It is a volunteer position.


Last year we were asked to create and share planning calendars that showed the full scope and sequence of the lessons we were teaching. Do we need to do that this year?

Yes! It's best practice to use systematic, explicit instruction. Sharing your plans helps anyone who needs to cover your classroom know where you are in your units and they can access curriculum and lesson plans. We want students to have consist experiences across all classrooms and grade levels.


My student has missed a few days of school and I haven't heard from the family. Is it my responsibility to reach out to them? 

Yes, please do. Absenteeism and tardiness have been a bigger struggle since COVID and we need to have every staff member's support in boosting attendance. Please reach out to families on the first day students are absent if they have not called in the absence. We want kids to know that we're thinking of them and we want them in school! Please document contact in the IC conference tab.


Can I hang all of my students' work in the classroom or do I need to showcase their work in the hallway, too?

Both. As we seek to build and uplift learner identities, academic excellence should be celebrated and uplifted through visual display in the hallway and on the walls of the classroom. Bulletin Boards and wall space are available to departments/grade levels and should be updated on a monthly basis. All work posted should include a posted standard and a rubric.


Fire drill!  I have most of my kids, but three of them are with John in his classroom. I should show a green card because I know where they are, right?

Nope. Hold up a red card and wait for the emergency team to confirm their safety. Then switch to green.


Are all teachers required to complete Gifted and Talented Certification?

Yes, ALL IBCS teachers are required to participate in the schoolwide focused professional learning toward a DPS internal certification through the GT department.  


Do we have to complete District Assessments?

Yes, for literacy we use DIBELS, CKLA Unit Assessments, and Interims (grades 3-5). For Math we use STAR (monthly), IL Unit Assessments, and Interims (grades 3-5)


Can students bring breakfast to the classroom?

Students who get breakfast should eat it in the cafeteria and come to class when they finish or when the bell rings at 7:40.


I've always used staples and tape to hang things in my room and in the hallway. I always remove them. That's OK, right?

Tacks, staples, and tape may not be used directly on the wall to hang posters or work. Sticky tack or painter's tape may be used. 


My student is working on her use of the F word in class. Is this an office referral or do I tackle this one?

While most of us don't enjoy hearing swear words coming out of a second grader, this is a minor offence. Check out the first step of the Izzi B Behavior flow chart: Fill out Discipline Step Form, Implement intervention, Conference with student, Enter in IC


What time do all staff need to be in position to work?

The workday is 7:30-3:30, Monday - Friday. Thursdays will be modified days, in which staff will be required to attend Staff Meetings from 2:50-3:30.


Is it required that we use school-wide curricula?

Yes! We want students to have a unified, equitable experience throughout all of their years at Izzi B. We will use CKLA for literacy, Really Great Reading for intervention, Illustrative Math, Amplify Science, InquirED Social Studies, and Second Step SEL.


My student says they need to go out the front door to meet their parents. Is that OK?

Students who are being picked up should be picked up on the playground with their class and teacher. If parents want students to walk to their cars by themselves (or walk home alone), they must fill out a walk home permission slip since you will not see them reach their guardian.


I had quite a weekend in Vegas. I'm just going to show a movie today. Cool, right?

Yah, no.

Planned, aligned to content, approved? Yah.


My student has graduated from the F word to the N word and she's using it toward my students of color. Minor or major behavior problem?

Yes, this is a Major problem. Follow the Izzi B Behavior flowchart: Referral is Written, Call the Office before sending student, Submit Major Behavior Referral form to office


Is attendance at staff meetings required?

Yes, and incredibly important this year as we'll be meeting for our PLC during staff meeting times.


Are weekly newsletters to families required?

Yes! Let your families know each week what their students have been learning and include any photos or work that parents will love seeing.


We've always done lots of field trips. That continues, right?

We don't usually do field trips. That continues, right?

Field trips offer invaluable opportunities to enhance student learning. We expect each class to plan and participate in two field trips per year. These trips should be strategically aligned with the content and units being taught, as well as relevant standards. Field trips must be approved by the Principal through completing the Teacher Field Trip Form.