What animal was photo shopped in many camp pictures this summer?
What is a Bear?
What animals are on Jacob’s amazing hat?
What are elephants?
“I would rather starve than cook.”
Who is Hannah?
“There’s definitely nothing that way...”
What is Mission Impossible?
How many acres is camp?
What is 72 acres?
What colour were the camper shirts?
What is cream?
Who’s still not crying?
Who is Bobby?
“Well both of my grandmothers are dead so woah.”
Who is Jacob?
Deportation services
What is Tacky Tourist?
How much did the mennonites bcmb conference buy the camp for?
What is $1?
What were the cabin and cottage names themed after?
What are animals from Spongebob Squarepants?
Why did Janai REALLY participate in water fight night?
What is "for the kids, of course…"? (jk it was Kyle)
“Remember kids nothing is free in this world… unless you’re the product.”
Who is Michael?
Trying to not try while making it seem like you are trying
What is Spy vs Spy?
What is for lunch on a camp Monday?
What is Pierogis?
How many times did the program team break the bell?
What is too many?
Where did Jaclyn keep her cats all summer?
What is in the trailer across from the gym?
“Mmm, that's a soggy bed.”
Who is Kyle?
Cardiovascular torture while things are pulling at you
What is Squirrel World?
What year did Encounter start?
When is 2008?
What was the 2011 camp theme?
What is Rescue
Where is Micah?
Where is UVic (University of Victoria)?
“Jr staff are like turtles, give them a wide berth and maybe wave but don’t touch them.”
Who is Luke?
"The only cure is chocolate from the tuck shop."
What is Cabin Leader Hunt?
How many beds are on site? (including cots)
What is 273?