Information Gathering
J1 Writing
Opinion Writing
Editorial Cartoons
Mr. Wells' Mystery Box

Reporters gather this through observation, interviewing, and research.

What is information?

To write a great news story, you should use this format, which consists of a lead, quotes, and transitions.

What is LQTQ format?


Argument, commendation, criticism, and explanation are the four types of this.

What is an editorial?


Editorial cartoons are often this, but most of the time the humor is used to make a serious point.

What is funny?


The freedom to vote is not something promised in this amendment.

What is the First Amendment?


These six questions give us the most important information for readers to know.

What is who, what, when, where, why, and how?


This feature story reveals an individual's character and lifestyle.

What is a personality profile?


Mrs. Crosby calls this "The Editorial __", which is the first person pronoun you should primarily use in an editorial.

What is we?


Many editorial cartoons captured the nation's grief after this tragic event.

What is 9/11?


IIF stands for these adjectives that determine if a story is newsworthy.

What is interesting, informative, and factual?


It's not math class, but the specific approach or focus you take to your topic is called this.

What is a story angle?


Not sure who's gonna win the championship? You should read one of these stories, which sets the stage for the upcoming game.

What is a game preview?


An editorial represents a group's opinion on a topic, while a column uses this to represent an individual's opinion.

What is personal experience?


Editorial cartoons must use this kind of vocabulary that is familiar to readers.

What is visual and verbal?


Getting end-of-game stats, organizing your notes, and conducting post-game interviews are things you should do at this point to prepare for a sports story.

What is after a game?


A story about a girl pursuing a science degree winning a scholarship after being inspired by her mom who passed away from cancer would most relate to this news value.

What is human interest?


Following in Mr. Wells' footsteps, this kind of opinion story uses personal experience to recommend something.

What is a review?


Whether you're writing an argumentative essay or a strong opinion article, you'll need these three rhetorical appeals.

What is ethos, pathos, and logos?

This form of exaggeration is used often where certain physical features are blown out of proportion.

What is caricature?


Mr. Wells adopted this dog over the summer, who has gotten more well-behaved, but still has too much energy for when he takes him out on walks.

Who is Lupin?


These eight news values are what help us determine what is worth covering and appeal to our audience.

What are timeliness, currency, impact, oddity, celebrity, human interest, conflict, and proximity?


When writing a news story, you want it to be these 6 alliterative terms.

What is correct, complete, consistent, concise, clear, and coherent?

This necessary part of any editorial is focused, not too broad, centered on a debatable topic, and makes claims that will be supported later in the paper.

What is a position statement?


These six elements are used to make an effective editorial cartoon.

What is analogy, irony, symbolism, labels, humor, and exaggeration?


These three classes are all opportunities to grow your journalism experience next year. Be sure to apply next month! #ShamelessPlug

What is Smoke Signals, Smoke Signals Broadcast, and Yearbook Production?