Who found baby Moses in the Nile River?
Who is Pharaoh’s daughter?
What was the first plague?
What is Water turned to blood?
How many commandments did God give Moses on Mount Sinai?
What is Ten?
What bread-like food did God provide the Israelites in the wilderness?
What is Manna?
What was the portable place of worship called?
What is The Tabernacle?
Why did Moses flee Egypt as a young man?
what is He killed an Egyptian and Pharaoh wanted to kill him?
Which plague involved insects covering Egypt?
What is Locusts (or Gnats/Flies)?
What is the first commandment?
What is You shall have no other gods before me?
How long did God provide manna for the Israelites?
What is 40 years?
What was the name of the special chest that held the Ten Commandments?
What is The Ark of the Covenant?
How did God appear to Moses when calling him to lead Israel?
What is In a burning bush?
How many plagues did God send before Pharaoh let the Israelites go?
What is 10?
What did Moses do when he saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf?
What is He smashed the stone tablets?
What meat did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?
What is Quail?
Who was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place, and how often?
What is The High Priest, once a year?
Who did God send to speak for Moses?
Who is Aaron, his brother?
Which false Egyptian god was humiliated by the plague of darkness?
Who is Ra (the sun god)?
What did God give Moses a second time after the golden calf incident?
What is A new set of the Ten Commandments?
What did the Israelites do when they needed water in the desert?
What is They grumbled and complained?
What covered the entrance of the Most Holy Place?
What is A curtain (veil)?
What did Moses do to get water for the Israelites in the wilderness?
What is Struck a rock with his staff?
What was the final plague that led Pharaoh to release the Israelites?
What is Death of the firstborn?
Who built the golden calf for the Israelites?
Who is Aaron?
What did God command Moses to do at Marah to make the bitter water drinkable?
what is Throw a log into the water?
What did the sacrifices on the altar symbolize?
What is The final sacrifice of Jesus?