Roots grow from a banyan tree's branches like a thick, _______ forest.
Scientists would call this tree Sequoia sempervirnes, an ever-living sequoia. It would also be known as a _______.
coast redwood
Across the ocean in China, men began building a great stone wall along their borders for protection against their enemies. What was this building called?
The Great Wall
_______ was discovered in the western territories of North America. Thousands of people crossed the continent in horse-drawn wagons, dreaming of _______ and _______.
riches, new opportunities
Why didn’t the sequoia tree need a history book?
Because it lived through all of history itself!
The _______ of North America has the world's tallest trees, coast redwoods.
Alexandar the Great, inspired by his teacher, _______, spread the ideals of Greek civilizations throughout Europe and Asia.
A trader named _______ traveled with his father and uncle from Europe to China and brought _______, _______ and _______ when they returned home.
Marco Polo
postal system, paper, and the use of coal as fuel
What happened after the flame was caught off?
The cambium of the tree was not hurt badly by the fire. It continued to grow new bark around the opening of the cave.
Why don’t sequoia trees ever feel lonely?
Because they have so many rooted friendships!
The broad leaves of some trees let water _______ easily into the air.
The newest wood was called _______, where water and nutrients traveled up into the tree from the roots.
Fire-resistant elements in the heartwood finally stopped the fire.
The older sapwood became the _______ of the tree.
Why don’t sequoia trees ever get tired?
Because they always stand tall and leaf their worries behind!
Some human _______, such as the practice of clearing trees, are ruining many forests.
A thin circle of cells under the bark is called _______.
(the) cambium
In a grassy savanna at the edge of the vast Sahara desert, _______ flourished as a major commercial center.
the kingdom of Kanem
Another, smaller fire swept through the forest. What happened?
Dense fibers in the tree snuffed out the flames again before there was any damage.
Why did the giant sequoia never get lost?
Because it always stood in the same place for thousands of years!
Most _______ civilized, or advanced, cities set aside places for trees to grow.
Although they gathered what they needed from the redwood forest, the natives did not live there. Why?
They considered the forest a sacred place, with its giant trees and ferocious grizzly bears.
An Italian explorer named _______ wanted to find a new route to China.
Christopher Columbus
The heartwood, clogged with waste, no longer is used to carry food and water, but why does the tree still need it?
The tree still needs the heartwood to help it stand straight and tall.
What’s a sequoia tree’s favorite subject in school?
History—because they’ve been around for so long!