6th Graders
7th Graders
Mixed Grades

On the weekends, this student works with his father as a salesman at a flea market.

Who is Julio Maldonado Barrera?


This student is from Honduras. Her goals include joining a soccer team and eventually become a doctor.

Who is Taylor Reyes?


This student is from Perú.  He has three siblings and enjoys playing video games and drawing. 

Who is Adrián Saavedra?


This student enjoys playing soccer, reading, and drawing. She likes fantasy books, with her favorite being Cien años de soledad.

Who is Zoe Zuñiga?


This student enjoys drawing and has an interest in art. She dreams of visiting Guatemala to see her abuela and abuelo.

Who is Yenifer Carrillo Lemus?


This student dreams of traveling to other countries and learning more languages, including Italian, German, and Portuguese.  

Who is Dominic Hernandez?


This student loves soccer.  His family moved to San Francisco from Guatemala in 2021.

Who is José Guillen Raxcaco?


This student from Chuloteca, Honduras enjoys "art, thinking, and making bracelets." She is also interested in music, specifically playing the piano, and drawing.

Who is Daniela Hernandez Reyes?


This student has two twin siblings who are in first grade at TECA. 

Who is Daniela Hernandez Reyes?


This student is passionate about learning hairdressing and hopes to attend beauty school in the future.

Who is Dulce Capriel Orozco?


This student did not previously attend school before moving to the United States from Guatemala in third grade.  He now reads on grade level in Spanish.  His goal is to learn English, graduate, and go to high school.

Who is Deibin Alvarez Macario?