Names the Same
English Class
Gym Rats
Art History

Cruise, Hanks, Edison

Who is Tom?


This classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream in the 1920s.

What is "The Great Gatsby"?


This compound exercise, often considered a staple in strength training, targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps by lowering a barbell to the chest and then pressing it back up.

What is the bench press?


The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, is located off the coast of this country.

What is Australia?


This iconic Dutch painter, famous for works like "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers," cut off part of his own ear during a mental health crisis.

Who is Vincent van Gogh?


This OG Youtuber was canceled after a plethora of racist videos and sexually charged content (including towards his own cat) resurfaced

Who is Shane Dawson?


Simpson, Kudrow, Vanderpump

Who is Lisa?


Written by William Shakespeare, this tragedy tells the story of two young star-crossed lovers from feuding families in Verona.

What is "Romeo and Juliet"?


Commonly used to target the biceps, this exercise involves lifting a weight with one hand while keeping the upper arm stationary. 

What is a dumbbell curl?


Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, is located in this East African country known for its wildlife and safari tourism.

What is Tanzania?


A prominent figure in the Pop Art movement, this American artist created works like "Campbell's Soup Cans" and "Marilyn Diptych.

Who is Andy Warhol?


This Youtuber got major heat for poorly operating a crane which cause an injury to his former friend

Who is David Dobrik?


Pitt, Cooper, Falchuk

Who is Brad?


Authored by Robert Frost, this poem reflects on the choices we make in life, often symbolized by diverging paths in a yellow wood.

What is "The Road Not Taken"?


Known as the "building blocks of muscles," these nutrients are essential for muscle repair and growth, often consumed through shakes or bars.

What is protein?


This country, home to the Amazon Rainforest, is the largest country in South America by land area.

What is Brazil?


Considered a leading figure in the Abstract Expressionist movement, this American artist is known for his "drip painting" technique.

Who is Jackson Pollock?


This Youtuber turned entrepreneur and WWE fighter had to go on to Good Morning America to apologize for his video in a Japanese forest?

Who is Logan Paul?


Frost, Downey Jr, De Niro

Who is Robert?


This literary work depicts a dystopian society under the control of a totalitarian regime led by Big Brother.

What is 1984?


Daily Double

 What is a Bulgarian split squat?


The city of Istanbul, straddling two continents, is divided by the Bosporus Strait and located in this country.

What is Turkey?


Known for his surreal and dreamlike paintings, this Spanish artist created "The Persistence of Memory," featuring melting clocks.

Who is Salvador DalĂ­?


The author of the "Harry Potter" series, she faced criticism for her comments on gender identity and transphobia, leading to calls for a boycott of her books.

Who is J.K. Rowling?


Chef Martha and talk-show host Jon

Who is Stewart?


A word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, like "radar" or "level."

What is a palindrome?


This training technique emphasizes the lengthening phase of a muscle contraction, often focusing on controlled and slow movements during the lowering portion of an exercise.

What is eccentric motion?


The Inca citadel Machu Picchu is situated in the Andes Mountains of this South American country.

What is Peru?


A pioneer of Cubism, this Spanish artist co-founded the movement along with Georges Braque and created masterpieces like "Guernica."

Who is Pablo Picasso?


A prominent TV chef, he faced backlash for racial slurs and discriminatory comments, resulting in the cancellation of his cooking show and business partnerships.

Who is Paula Deen?