The best type of economy is.
What is a free market economy?
The problem with a command economy.
What is no free choice?
The smallest type of business is.
What is a Sole Proprietorship?
What is How the Market Works?
What is a corporation?
The goal of a Free Market economy is.
What is benefiting everyone?
A Command economy is run by.
What is a dictator?
The Second Smallest business type is.
What is a Partnership?
The name of the company whose stock is named AAPL.
What is Apple?
The money that is used to start a business.
What is staring Capitol?
The Free Market is controlled by.
What is no one directly?
What are a select few upper people in the government?
What is a corporation?
The starting amount of cash for our HTMW competition.
What is 10 million dollars?
If a business owns a Car the car can be considered as.
What is Capitol?
The things that are not allowed in a free market economy.
What is anything that harms people?
A country that no longer exists that used a command economy.
What is the Soviet Union?
The act of a company turning into a corporation.
What is going public?
The maximum percentage of out cash that can go to one stock.
What is 10%?
The main buying tactic used in Stock Trading.
What is buy low, sell high?
The economy type of the United States is.
What is a free market economy?
The economy type of North Korea is.
What is a Command economy?
The number of people in a Sole Proprietorship.
What is 1?
The main factor in the price of a product.
What is supply and demand?