The yellow part of the egg is called what?
the yolk.
the most common breed Used for egg production.
What is the leghorn.
the average amount of toes a chick has.
What is the 4.
the development of a fertile poultry egg within a shell lay—to produce and deposit eggs.
What is incubation.
The longest recorded flight of a chicken.
What is 13 seconds.
How many hours does it take for a chicken to lay an egg?
what is 24 to 26 hours.
The most common breed used for meat production.
What is the Cornish Cross.
.The amount of feathers on a chickens wings.
What is the 21.
a compound which gives strength and shape commonly found in eggshells and chalk.
What is calcium carbonate.
the average high of a chicken jumping.
What is 4 to 6 feet.
How many eggs on average can a healthy hen lay in a year?
what is 300.
A bird with crimped, wild feathers. (think of a Teacher in a SCIENCE show)
What is a frizzle.
The widest part of the back.
What is the saddle.
an organism in its early stages of development, before it has reached a distinctively recognizable form.
What is an embryo.
Two reasons chickens lose their feathers.
What are stress and molting.
what all grades of eggs are found in supermarkets?(2 answers)
What is grade AA and grade A.
Name a breed of chicken that has 5 toes on each foot.
What is(are) Silkies, Dorkings, Faverolle, Houden, and Sultan.
What are the long feathers on the tail.
What is sickle feathers.
an adult male domestic chicken.
What is a rooster.
The egg whites other name.
What is the Albumen.
the way an egg should be stored to maintain the freshness of the egg. (pointy or wide end facing up)
What is point down, or wide end up.
The scientific name for domesticated chickens.(double points if correct!)
What is Gallus Domesticus.
The middle feather in the wing, between the Primaries and the Secondaries.
What is the Axial Feather.
a fleshy flap of skin hanging usually from the neck. (as of a bird)
What is a wattle.
The amount of faces a chicken can distinguish from.
What is 100.