Who can deadlift 400 pounds?
On what day did we flow colons for Hand2 and ChatCre Piezo1 DSS experiments
Day 8
What concentration of NaOH is used for genotyping
25 mM
Whose nautical nonsense be something you wish?
Who is Eugene?
Olivia's dog
Who is Lillian's best customer?
Mutations in the ANXA11 gene have been linked to what?
Who is in group 2 for one slides?
Coco, Olivia, Ademi, Caroline, Sandhya
What's Ruaidhri's address
1 Arndold Mills Road
Sandhya, Yale
What does Harry eat for lunch most days
Cheese Sandwich
What cytokine(s) given to cultured enteric neurons produces the greatest number of DEGs compared to control
IFN-γ and TNF-α
Whose job is it right now to clean the water baths?
What brand of car does Ruaidhri drive?
What day is Lillian's defense
May 7th
Where did Coco get his PhD?
UMC Utrecht
What member of TMEM is bound to GSDMD?
How many basepairs is the cre in Hand2cre
300 bp
What's Larry's email
What hobby do Lillian’s dad and Elena’s dad share in common
Fishing lol
What lab is Lillian going to Post Doc in
Alexander Kauffman Lab
Name ALL 3 programs Harry uses to identify chimeras
LongGF, JaffaL, Genion
What's the catalogue number for DPBS?
Who is Earth on the Jackson Lab Solar System board?
What 2 labs are Caroline and Elena both rotating in?
Jackson and Orefice