Mammal Facts
CO mammals
Mammal Tracks

True or False: All horns are shed every year

False! Horns continue growth for the entire lifespan of the animal. Antlers are shed yearly.


Which mammal has modified hairs that are used as defensive quills

Porcupine! The name comes from the Latin words 'porcus' and 'spina' which together means 'quill pig' 


True of False: All mammals have hair?

True! Hair is a defining trait of all mammals even for whales!


What is the Colorado state mammal?

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep! It was designated as the state animal May 1, 1961.


White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) 


Front-facing orbitals typically signify that the animal consumes which type of food?

Meat! Carnivores/predators usually have forward-facing eyes while prey animals generally have eyes on the side of the skull.


Along with a strong sulfurous musk that can be sprayed if it feels threatened, which animal also displays distinct black and white stipes down its back to deter potential predators?

Striped Skunk (Mephis mephitis) The conspicuous black and white striping of the animal is a form of aposematic defense (similar to poisonous frogs and porcupines) that alerts potential predators to stay away.


What is the largest mammal ever?

The blue whale can reach maximum lengths of 90-100 feet weighing 199 metric tons (~440,000 lbs)


Which horned animal sheds its' horn sheath every year?

Pronghorn! The keratinous sheath is shed yearly while the horn itself continues growing.


Coyote (Canis latrans)


A large auditory bulla would indicate the animal is good at what?

Hearing! The auditory bullae are bony capsules enclosing the inner ear bones


Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)


What physiological structures do all mammals use to feed their young?

Mammary glands! Along with hair, specialized inner ear bones, mandible (or dentary), and internal temperature regulation, mammary glands are a common trait among all mammals in the world.


Which keystone species and environmental architect is the North America's largest rodent?

Beaver! The beaver uses wood, branches, rocks, and mud to dam up watersheds and create protected riparian habitats.


Bobcat (Lynx rufus)


White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) This female deer has very flat teeth for grinding plants and eyes facing outward

True or false: The hair of mammals is made up of the same protein that makes up your finger nails?

True. Keratin is a protein that forms the main structural component of hair, finger nails, hooves, feathers, claws, and even baleen in whales!


True or false: All mammals are born via live birth

False! While most mammals are born via live birth, a group called monotremes (platypus & echidnas) hatch our of eggs!


What is the fastest mammal in North America?

Pronghorn! They can maintain speeds of up to 55 mph. Cheetahs are the fastest sprinters in the world reaching ~60mph but only for a few hundred yards.


Beaver (Castor canadensis)


What order of animals have a small second set of upper incisors and a rostrum with fenestrations?

Order Lagomorpha (rabbits, pika, hares)


Which cat-sized member of the weasel family is highly sought after in the fashion industry for its high quality brown/black pelt.

American Mink (Neogale vison)


What is the name of the lower jawbone that all mammals have?

Mandible! The mandible, or dentary, is responsible for holding the teeth in place and is the only moveable bone in the skull (aside from inner ear bones)


What mammal is the only marsupial in North America?

Opossum! They fall into the category of mammals called marsupials because mothers will give birth to live young and continue developing as joeys after birth.


Raccoon (Procyon lotor)