In what years was Andrew Jackson President?
Why did the 49ers move out west?
To find gold
What was Andrew Jackson's group of friends and advisors called?
What is a tariff?
A tax on imported or exported goods.
Who was sent to explore the Louisiana purchase?
Why did Jackson challenge the National
He thought it was unfair and favored the rich.
What animal was an important part of the economy in the West?
Cattle (cows)
What was Andrew Jackson's career before he ran for president?
What does "secede" mean?
To leave or withdraw from a group or organization
What was the last land addition to the United States in the 1800s?
The Gadsen Purchase
What did the Indian Removal Act lead to?
The trail of tears...thousands of people died while being forced off of their native land to Oklahoma.
What dangers did the Mountain Men face out West?
Wild animals, weather, running out of supplies, injury
White men who did not own property could now vote.
What does "annex" mean?
To add a piece of land to a country.
How many years after the Texas Revolution was Texas annexed into the U.S.
10 years
What was the Spoils System and how did it benefit Jackson?
Giving friends and supporters jobs in the government...gave Jackson more power because leadership positions were filled by people who would support/vote with him.
How were Chinese immigrants treated in the United States?
Poorly...they tried to force them out of the country by scaring them.
How did Andrew Jackson win the election/what was his campaign strategy?
He was a champion of the common man.
Why were explorers important to Westward expansion?
Mapped the area, created safe routes, acted as guides, created trade posts, etc.
Which war led to the addition of California and New Mexico to the United States?
The Mexican American War
What was the Nullification Crisis and what was the underlying issue?
Andrew Jackson created new tariffs that some states did not approve of. It was really an issue of States Rights.
How far did most Pioneer Women walk while also taking care of their children, perform daily chores.
15-20 miles a day
How did Andrew Jackson's upbringing/early life shape his presidency.
How did Westward expansion affect Native Americans?
Spread diseases, pushed them out of their land, forced them to change their culture, converted many to Christianity, lots of deaths.
Who had claims to the Oregon Territory before it became part of the U.S.