Who won the popular vote for the Election of 1824?
Who was Andrew Jackson?
When Jackson awarded Common People with government jobs, what was this called?
What was the Spoils System?
What was the nickname Andrew Jackson gave Martin Van Buren?
What was Martin Van Ruin?
Who was Monroe's Secretary of State?
Who was John Quincy Adams?
What is Nationalism?
What is pride in nation?
Who's supporters formed the Whig Party?
Who was John Quincy Adams's supporters?
Who believed in the States' Rights Doctrine?
Who was John C. Calhoun?
What happened when Martin Van Buren became president?
What is the economy crashing?
What was Monroe's presidency referred to?
What was The Era of Good Feelings?
What is sectionalism?
What is loyalty to region over nation?
What was the Election of 1824 referred to?
What is The Corrupt Bargain?
What were Jackson's informal advisors that met up in the White House kitchen called?
What was the Kitchen Cabinet?
In a popular cartoon, what animal was Martin Van Buren's head on?
What is a rat?
How did America react to Latin American independence?
What was The Monroe Doctrine?
What are Internal Improvements?
What is infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, and canals?
What spot did Henry Clay hope to get from this election?
What is Secretary of State?
Who was VP after John C. Calhoun resigned?
Who was Martin Van Buren?
When Martin Van Buren ran for reelection, who did he run against?
Who was William Henry Harrison?
What did the Rush-Bagot Treaty do?
What was limiting British naval power on the Great Lakes?
What did the American System call for?
What is a national bank that provided a single currency for all of America?
Who were all the candidates in the 1824 Election?
Who was John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and William Crawford?
What did Southerners threaten to do if the Tariff of Abominations wasn't removed?
What is secession?
In what year was Martin Van Buren elected president?
What is 1837?
What did the Convention of 1818 do?
What was setting the border between the USA and Canada at 49 degrees N. Latitude?
What did the Missouri Compromise do?