A type of cheese that has holes in it?
What is swiss cheese?
The first family host of Jeopardy.
Who is Mary?
The easiest way to stop the spread of Covid-19.
What is wash your hands?
The name for the type of school kids are doing from home.
What is virtual school?
If Jackson had 50 Cheeze-It crackers and Daniela took 37 crackers, how many crackers does Jackson have now?
What is 13?
A type of cheese that is in a jar or bottle and can be sprinkled on spaghetti,
What is Parmesan?
A cousin who made her own Jeopardy game and also hosted the game.
Who is Addie. (AKA-potato or Harry Potter)
The number of seconds you continue to wash your hands.
What is 20 seconds?
Kids like to play this on the computer in their free time.
What are video games?
Addie bought 54 Cheeze-It crackers for her herself, Daniela and Jackson. How many crackers did she buy altogether?
What is 162?
A type of cheese that is orange and it often put in tacos.
What is Cheddar?
This Aunt/Grandma also hosted Jeopardy.
Who is Carol?
The song you can sing 2 times to be sure you wash your hands long enough.
What is Happy Birthday?
Painting a pre-printed picture with numbers on the picture that tells you what color to paint.
What is Paint-by-Number?
If Daniela has 168 crackers and she wants to give Addie, Jackson and herself an even number of crackers, how many crackers does everyone get?
What is 56?
A type of cheese that can be shredded and is often put in lasagne.
What is mozzarella?
This Aunt joined our Jeopardy game but hasn't hosted yet.
Who is Aunt Kathy?
People do this when they go out in public to be sure they don't spread droplets of Covid-19 if they cough.
What is wear a mask?
An activity you can do outside in your neighborhood.
What is walking, riding bikes, skating...
If each Cheeze-It cracker costs 3 cents and a box has 259 crackers, how much money do you need to buy the box?
What is $7.77?
A type of cheese that comes from France and is VERY smelly.
What is Roquefort?
The host of the Jeopardy game on TV.
Who is Alex Trebek?
This was the custom used to greet people that can spread germs from one person to another.
What is shaking hands?
A game you can play online with your cousins and aunts/grandma.
What is Jeopardy?
If one Cheeze-it cracker is 2 inches in length, how many crackers do you need to line up to equal 3 1/2 feet?
What is 42 crackers?