Managing Emotions
Future Skills
Problem Solving

This term refers to harmful bacteria being transferred to food from other foods, cutting boards, or utensils when they're not handled properly. 

a) Sterilization

b) Cross Contamination

c) Food Poisoning

d) Sanitization

What is Cross Contamination


Name three emotions you felt in the past week and the situations in which you felt them

1. Frustrated when my roommate left dishes in the sink

2. Sad when my mom wasn't able to call me this weekend

3. Excited when I figured out what I wanted to be for Halloween


In the next five years, I want to

Get a promotion at work

Get a new car

Travel out of the country


Rank the following in order of top priority to lowest priority:

A) Basic needs (house, food, water, safety)
B) Video games
C) YouTube
D) Getting places on time
E) Personal freedom (doing/going what or where you want when you want to)

  • Basic needs (house, food, water, safety)
  • Going to school
  • Getting places on time
  • Personal freedom (doing/going what or where you want when you want to)
  • YouTube

What is your primary disability?

A) Blind or low vision

B) Schizophrenia

C) Autism

D) Learning disability 

What is Autism


When using laundry detergent, how much should you fill the detergent cup?

A) Always fill to the top
B) Follow the fill lines on the cup
C) Halfway full for any load
D) Use two cups for large loads

What are to the fill lines on the cup


When I get angry, the best thing to do is:

1. Start yelling until I get what I want

2. Run away from whatever is making me mad

3. Recognize that I am feeling angry and use a coping strategy like taking a deep breath

4. Insult and argue with whoever is making me mad

What is Recognize that I am feeling angry and use a coping strategy like taking a deep breath


What is a reasonable workplace accommodation?

A) A change to work hours to fit an employee's personal schedule

B) A change to a job or work environment that helps a qualified employee with a disability perform their duties and enjoy the same benefits as others

C) An extra vacation day for high-performing employees 

D) A regular performance review schedule  

What is A change to a job or work environment that helps a qualified employee with a disability perform their duties and enjoy the same benefits as others


What is the difference between a big problem and a small problem?

A) A big problem can cause harm to yourself or others and usually needs adult help to resolve, while a small problem is minor, affects only yourself or one other person, and is easy to fix.
B) A big problem is one that is easily fixed, while a small problem is complex and needs adult help.
C) A big problem affects only yourself, while a small problem can harm many people.
D) A big problem is usually related to finances, while a small problem involves personal relationships.

What is A big problem can cause harm to yourself or others and usually needs adult help to resolve, while a small problem is minor, affects only yourself or one other person, and is easy to fix. 


Which law primarily focuses on job accommodations for individuals with disabilities?

A) The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

B) The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

C) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

D) The Equal Pay Act (EPA)

What is The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


What temperature of water should you use to wash dishes?

A) Cold
B) Warm
C) Hot
D) Room temperature

What is Hot

Name 3 things you can do to get yourself calm when you start to feel anxious, overwhelmed

What is, pause and take a deep breath, use the 5 senses grounding technique, communicate to someone how I am feeling and that I need to step away for a moment to self-regulate.


What is the main difference between a credit card and a debit card?

A) A credit card allows you to borrow money up to a limit, while a debit card withdraws directly from your bank account
B) A debit card offers rewards points, while a credit card does not
C) A credit card requires a PIN for transactions, while a debit card does not
D) A debit card can be used internationally, while a credit card cannot

What is A credit card allows you to borrow money up to a limit, while a debit card withdraws directly from your bank account 


The size of my reaction should reflect:

A) The amount of time I have
B) The size of my problem
C) The opinions of others
D) The level of my stress

What is The size of my problem


What should you do if you’re ready to go to school but your dad is running late?

A) Wait calmly and understand that there is nothing you can do to change the situation

B) Ask your dad to hurry up and get angry if he can’t

C) Leave for school on your own without informing anyone

D) Refuse to go because now you're going to be late

What is Wait calmly and understand that there is nothing you can do to change the situation


Which cleaner should you use to best clean your bathroom?

A) Glass cleaner
B) All-purpose cleaner
C) Disinfectant cleaner
D) Floor cleaner

What is Disinfectant Cleaner


Being considerate of other people’s feelings means

A) Ignoring their emotions
B) Only thinking about yourself
C) Showing empathy and understanding
D) Not thinking about how your words/actions affect them

What is Showing empathy and understanding


In order to get a job, which of these life skills is most important?

A) Having a large collection of video games
B) Knowing how to create viral social media content

C) Time management, communication, and problem-solving
D) Mastering advanced math equations

What is Time management, communication, and problem-solving


Who is someone you can talk to when you have a problem at school?

A) A classmate that you don't like
B) A trusted teacher or school counselor
C) Your dad
D) The school bus driver

Who is A trusted teacher or school counselor


Which of the following is a good form of self-care to relieve stress after school?

A) Skipping meals and staying up late

B) Engaging in a relaxing activity such as playing outside or watching YouTube for a little while

C) Ignoring your feelings and not talking to anyone

D) Watching TV for several hours without taking breaks

What is Engaging in a relaxing activity such as playing outside or watching YouTube for a little while


How often should you wash your bed sheets and pillowcases?

A) Once a week
B) Once a month
C) Every six months
D) Once a year

What is Once a week 


What does it mean to have empathy for others? 

A) Refusing to listen to their perspective because you disagree
B) No being willing to compromise on a disagreement despite the harm it causes others

C) Only thinking of your own needs

D) Seeing an issue from someone else's perspective to understand how they are feeling

What is Seeing an issue from someone else's perspective to understand how they are feeling


An account that lets you easily deposit and withdraw money, often using a debit card

A) Savings account
B) Loan account
C) Checking account
D) Investment account

What is a Checking Account


Which of the following is considered a big problem?

A) Missing a homework assignment
B) Losing your phone
C) Experiencing a serious injury or health issue
D) Having a disagreement with a classmate

What is Experiencing a serious injury or health issue


When I get angry and start yelling or acting aggressively in public, it makes the people around me feel:

A) Energized and motivated

B) Happy and entertained

C) Indifferent and uninterested

D) Annoyed and uncomfortable

What is Annoyed and uncomfortable