Jackson’s Jam: Politics, Fights, and Oranges
Trail Blazing and Bank Battles
Oregon-Style Trail Mix
Manifest Besties

The victory of Andrew Jackson in 1828 put an end to this popular idea about government.

What is the idea that an educated elite should rule the nation?


The results of Jackson’s victory over the National Bank.

What are inflation from Banks issuing too much paper money, the Panic of 1837, and a depression?


This was a trail that took pioneers from Independence, Missouri, all the way to the Willamette Valley.

What is the Oregon Trail?

The terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included recognition of Texas as a US State, _______________ ________________, and the cession of Mexico’s Northern Territory to the US. 

What is setting the Rio Grande as the border between the US and Mexico?


Land speculators were willing to brave the journey into the west for this reason.

What is to make a profit?


Jackson took this achievement as approval of his war on the Second National Bank of the US.

What is winning the election of 1832?


Jackson believed that the National Bank was too corrupt and powerful for these reasons.

What is that the banks president could influence lawmakers by controlling their loans and determining the nation’s money supply?


This development in international geo-politics led to the creation of the Santa Fe Trail.

What is Mexican Independence?

This was Mexico‘s objection to the US annexation of Texas.

What is Mexico claimed Texas was still Mexican territory?


One of California’s first piece of legislation was the Foreign Miner’s tax, designed to do this.

What is to force foreigners out of the mines and reduce competition?


Jackson and his supported tainted the reputation of John Quincy Adams’ presidency with this allegation.

What is the Corrupt Bargain?


Andrew Jackson responded in this way to the Supreme Court ruling on the Cherokee vs Georgia case.

What is Jackson ignored the ruling and applied the state law anyways?


This many people had traveled to Oregon by 1844.

What is 3,000 people?


Congress voted against Texas annexation in 1840 for this reason.

What is Texas would upset the balance of free vs slave states?


Forty-Niners could get to California in three different ways.

What are 

1. by boat around South America, 

2. by boat to Panama, cross Panama by foot, and continue by boat to California, or 

3. Journeying across the country by trail?


Jackson ran on this platform going into the 1828 election.

What is looking out for the interests of the common people and safeguarding majority rule?


These were known as the Five Civilized Tribes.

What are the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, and Chickasaw Tribes?


Mountain Men looking for new places to trap animals helped later pioneers in this way.

What is they provided some of the earliest firsthand knowledge of the West?

Americans, Tejanos, and Mexicans were experiencing high tensions in Texas for these reasons. 

What is the Americans resented and disobeyed Mexican laws?


This event was the migration of thousands into the west looking for one thing.

What is the California Gold Rush?


Jackson supported this political principle so as to avoid having one party or idea having a chokehold on the government.

What is rotation in office?


Andrew Jackson thought that these two choices were the only options available to Native Americans in the 1830’s. 

What are that they can either relocate to the west and live, or stay in the east and assimilate?


These were some of the first Americans to travel into the West.

Who were Land Speculators?


Americans were invited to settle Spanish Mexico for this reason.

What is to settle the area and defend against Native Americans?

This land purchase fulfilled the United States dream of claiming all land between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

What is the Gadsden Purchase?