When was Cartier likely born?
Between June 7th and December 23rd,1491
What were they searching for?
Precious metals
How many people were taken on the second voyage?
110 people
What did the war in Europe lead to?
A delay in returning to Cananda
What did Cartier decide at the end of May?
To abandon the colony
What was Cartier employed in from a young age?
Business and Navigation
How many men did he leave with?
61 men
What was the Emerillon adapted for?
River navigation
How many people was the expedition to include?
Close to 800 people
What was in the dozens of barrels he had?
What he believed were precious stones and metals
Who did Cartier replace?
Giovanni da Verrazano
How long did it take them to get to Newfoundland?
20 days
Where did Cartier decide to keep sailing to?
The city of Montreal
What did the expedition have to involve?
A major attempt to colonize the region
What did Cartier refuse to obey?
The given order to return to Cap Rouge
What did Cartier start as and end as on his journey?
He started as a sailor then became an officer
Why do they go to Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick annually?
For their annual seal hunt
Where did one of chief Donnacona's sons lead them?
The village of Stadacona
What was Roberval responsible for?
Loading weapons on to ships
Bringing craftsman and a number of prisoners
Were the stones and metals he brought back worth anything?
They turned out to be worthless
What places did Cartier sail along?
South America(Brazil)
Before leaving who did Cartier abduct?
2 of Iroquoian chief Donnacona's sons.
Where did they get their reedy for scurvy?
From evergreen trees
Where did Cartier and his men settle the new colony?
Several kilometers upstream from Quebec at the confluence of the Cap Rouge and St. Lawrence rivers.
How long after did Cartier die?
15 years later at his estate at Limoilou near Saint-Malo