What is our outdoor sport ?
Horse riding
How many dogs does Jade have ?
Jade has 2 dogs
What do Jade and Taïs both like to do ?
Where did Taïs goes ?
What other sport does Jade do ?
Running with my dog
How many brothers and sisters Jade has ? And her name and old?
one brother Steven, 24 years old
What is our favorite dessert ?
Where is Jade go ?
Venise and Annecy
What does Taïs like to do ?
read and sport
What are jade's parents' job?
an accountant and maintenance manager
What are the three first names of Jade ?
Jade, Tiffaine and Amélie
What did Jade do during the summer ?
Worked as a waitress
What does Jade like to do ?
move and cook
What is Taïs dad's job ?
My dad is sales application engineer
What is the dream of jade?
open your business
What did Taïs do during this vacation ?
Jet ski and towed buoy
How many brothers and sisters Taïs has ? And their age and names
one brother Marc (17 years old ) and 3 sisters Tania (20 yers old ), Joanna ( 11 years old ) and Kïara ( 7 years old )
Where do we live ?
jade live in Charavines and Taïs live in Saint-Genix-Sur-Guiers