What does the A in JAG Stand for?
What does the G in JAG stand for?
What Color are our JAG shirts?
What Day is JAG Held on
What type of ball is used for the throwing event?
Vortex Nerf Ball/ Vortex Foot Ball
What type of ball is used for the kicking event?
Soccer Ball
What is the most important thing to remember when competing in any type of sporting event whether you win or lose?
Good Sportsmanship
True or False
You are automatically on the team when you sign up for tryouts
Which event are you throwing for distance?
Vortex Throw
True or False
Parents are allowed to be on the field during the JAG event
False. Parents need to stay in the stands until we send you over to them at the end of your event.
What grades are eligible to participate in JAG
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Which Race uses a Baton for passing?
Spirit Relay
Which participant is selected to go, but might not participate
The Alternate
Your ________ can cause you to be removed from the team
What school do we travel to, in order to participate in JAG?
Leesburg High School
It is important to _______ before, during, and after a sport or activity
Name one of the 3 field events
Soccer kick, Vortex throw, or long jump
All races are ran on a ?
The 100 yard dash is the same length as a
Football field
Who Hosts JAG for all the schools that participate?
Leesburg Police Department
A long distance run focuses on what type of bodily endurance
A Sprint is type of run that is focused on
True or False
The soccer kick is focused on Accuracy
For the 1/2 mile, you are allowed to drop down into the ___________ When signaled
First Lane