Jaguar Pride
A', B's and C's
Georgia Milestones
Can't We Just Get Along
Pot Luck
At Hornsby Middle School, P.R.I.D.E. is an acronym for what behavior expectations?
What are: P = Prepared R = Respect and Responsible I = Independent Thinker D = Determined E = Engaged
All of my core-subject teachers calculate my final grades the same way. They take my four nine week report card grades and __________ them up and divide by __________ to get the final average.
What is add/total and four?
The minimum passing score on the Milestones is a __________ .
What is 475?
Students that focus on themselves and not others tend to do better in their classes and have less ____________ with other students.
What is drama/conflict?
Martin Luther King is a famous civil rights leader and pioneer. He believed in non-___________ protest against the oppression of blacks and other minorities.
What is non-violent?
Hornsby students that ____________ their hands before they speak, come to class with all needed materials, and follow directions demonstrate ____________ in the classroom.
What are raise and preparation?
Good students typically sit next to other good students. Poor students typically sit by their _____________ .
What are friends?
There are ___________ different scoring levels on the Milestones.
What is four?
Students that go back and forth between other students, acting like they are a friend, are known as __________ .
What are "Boosticators"
A.V.I.D. is a program that teaches students how to be successful and prepare them for ___________ .
What is college?
W.S. Hornsby is remembered for being a __________ Rights and African American leader in the Augusta community.
What is Civil Rights?
Good students use their A.V.I.D. binder to keep their notes, homework and assignments ________________ .
What is organized
The Milestones covers everything I have been taught from August to April in four different subject areas. The best way to prepare myself to do well on the Milestones is to do well in my __________ .
What are classes?
The "Golden Rule" suggest that we all do what towards each other?
What is "Treat others the way you want to be treated".
This teacher has worked at Hornsby Middle for over 20 years, longer than any other teacher.
Who is Mrs. Belser?
Hornsby students that complete ALL their assignments and never give up demonstrate show their Hornsby pride through their _______________ .
What is Determination?
Students must pass their Math - ELA - Science - Social Studies classes, as well as pass the Math and ELA portions of the Georgia Milestones to earn ____________ to the __________ grade.
What is Promotion and 9th.
Every question on the Milestones is based on a ____________ that are posted in all of my teacher's classrooms.
What is a Standard?
If I respond to someone who is calling me names, or trying to bother me, I give them what they want and I give them _____________ over me?
What is power?
Name three colleges or universities that are in Augusta, GA.
What are: Augusta University Augusta Technical College Paine College
W.S. Hornsby founded the Pilgrim Health and Life Insurance Company and became one of the leading African American businessmen in the country. What industry or business did W.S. Hornsby practice in?
What is Insurance?
My brother is a visual learner and learns best by reading or viewing something. I learn best by listening and hearing. I am a __________ learner.
What is auditory?
When a student does not know the answer to a question, Process of ______________ is an excellent strategy to help choose the correct answer.
What is Elimination?
At the end of the day, most conflicts at Hornsby Middle are really about ______________ .
What is Respect/Disrespect?
Dr. McCord is not only a talented Principal, she is also a talented _____________ .
What is singer.