Psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, rape or other violent personal assault.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This is the most commonly used method for suicide victims in Texas Jails
Hanging method
When responding to an unresponsive inmate, a minimum of ______ jailers must be present to enter the cell.
IDD is an acronym for what mental health diagnosis?
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being.
Why do all inmates get screened by both LSO Staff and by Mental Health when they come into the facility?
The Sandra Bland Act
This mental illness is associated with a wide range of physical illnesses, medication side effects, and other psychiatric disorders.
Anxiety Disorders
If the inmate is eating meals, sleeping normally, their behavior when awake, personal hygiene, appropriate communication with officer/staff are all examples of what?
Behaviors to observe and document when an inmate is on Suicide Watch
A deeply ingrained, inflexible pattern of relating, perceiving, and thinking serious enough to cause distress or impaired functioning.
Personality disorder
Anxiety, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, headaches, poor concentration, depression, and social isolation are symptoms of this type of withdrawal.
Emotional Withdrawal
Loss of spouse, rejection by peers, loss of home or land, or loss of job--are a recent loss of _______ _______.
Stabilizing Resources
The Texas Commission on Jail Standards implemented the suicide screening form in what year?
What 3 types of cells are designed for suicidal inmates?
1. Violent Cells
2. Administrative Separation Cells
3. Single Cells
What are the methods for responding to a suicidal inmate?
There's one I am looking for most out of the 7!
1. Inmate may attempt to have others kill them
2. Remain Calm
3. Call for Assistance
4. Develop a plan and follow it - rushing increases the risk to everyone involved
5. Be Alert
6. Check out the situation
7. If time permits, ask the inmate to remove the means
A serious disturbance in mental abilities that results in confused thinking and reduced awareness of your environment. The start of delirium is usually rapid — within hours or a few days.
What are key times to observe for signs and symptoms of potential suicides?
I want 4 of the 6!
1. First 24 hours of confinement
2. Intoxication
3. Holidays
4. Darkness
5. High Profile Sentencing
6. At Arrest
What are the 4 sections of the Screening Form for Suicide and Medication and Mental Impartments?
1. Basic information and medical information
2. Self-Report Question
3. Observation
4. Notification
What are 3 things NOT to do when responding to an inmate crisis?
I want 5 of the 9!
1. Treating the inmate as a non-person
2. Provoking/escalating the situation
3. Acting sarcastic or making jokes about the situation
4. Challenging the inmate to follow through with the threat
5. Suggesting a more lethal method
6. Ignoring them
7. Making promises you can't keep
8. Offering solutions/advice
9. Afraid to ask direct questions
I want 5 of the 9!
1. At arrest & Booking
2. During transportation
3. First 24 hours of confinement
4. Intoxication/withdrawal
5. Waiting for high profile trial/sentencing
6. Impending Release
7. Holidays
8. Darkness (Lights Out)
9. Decreased staff supervision
What are the appropriate responses to excited delirium?
1. Notify medical staff.
2. Remove physical restraints
3. Monitor the subject for positional asphyxiation when using restrains.
What are the Physical/behavioral characteristic of someone in Psychosis?
I want 4 of the 6!
1. Inappropriate attire
2. Sluggish body movements
3. Responding to hallucinations
4. Causing self-injury
5. Strange decoration
6. Attachment to childish objects
Name 3 things you should do when approaching an unresponsive inmate (hint: there are 6 total)
1. Conduct a visual assessment from outside the cell to determine if they are unconscious or experiencing a medical emergency
2. First jailer on scene shall stay at the cell front to observe and request backup and a medical response
3. First staff on scene will observe inmate's hands for any objects that may be weapons
4. Once a minimum of 2 jailers have arrived at the cell, if possible, staff shall enter the cell
5. Jailers will enter with caution and be prepared to use force if necessary, but move quickly to secure the inmate
6. Begin basic life-saving techniques as applicable, health care staff will assume the lead role assisted by jailers if needed
Young inmates, prior suicide by close loved ones, isolation, and harsh attitudes from jailers. Are _______ _________ ________ for risk of suicide
Potential Personal Factors