Who sent this message "No Acknowledgement"
Who is Rajen Dada?
What is said when somebody does something wrong?
What Is Karam Thok?
Sheena and Seema Bhua's favorite post drinking snack?
What is cheerios.
What company did Bauvji work for?
What is Rashri Productions?
Who does the lottery every year?
Who said "What a view!!"
Who is Pinky Dada?
What is said when we disagree with a game outcome
What is Bogey?
At whose wedding did a fight break out?
Who is Shenil Chacha and Arubha Chachi?
What was the name of the book that Bauvji wrote?
What is Teen Pushpa?
What is Rajen Dada's PhD in?
What is Agricultural Science?
Who says Gazab?
Who is Bunty Chacha?
What do they say to the second youngest get when a new baby is born in the family
What is Raddi Ki Tokhri?
What were the main dishes for last year's thanksgiving
What is Eggplant Parm, tofu tacos, and stuffed peppers.
Who was the first person to come to the US from India
Who is Nirmal Dada?
What item was broken at Aashna Bhua's wedding when fighting for the shoes?
What is a baby bag?
Who sent this picture?
Who is Nirmal Dada?
Who fact checks everyone in the SNF group chat
Who is Tappu chacha
At whose house was the Christmas with the Beyblades?
Who is Sheela Dadi and Nirmal Dada
How many girls did Ravi Dada see before meeting Ashima Dadi?
What is 41
What apartment number did Badi Dadi and Dada buy in queens?
Who sent this message...
1. 90 degree in right angle
2. 26 letters in alphabet
3. 7days in a week
4. 7 wonder of the world
5. 12 signs of zodiac
6. 52 cards in pack
7. 11 players in cricket team
8. 5 fingers in hand
9. 206 bones in body
10. 29 days in February in leap year
Who is Smita Dadi?
Who ate all of Bhumika Chachi's nuts?
Who is Niket Bhaiya?
Who won the "who has that picture game" during last Thanksgiving.
Who is Manan.
What year was the land where the SNF house is bought?
When is 1957?
What does Chikoo want to be when he grows up?
What is a pilot?