Apollo 11
Put this sentence in your own words
Summarize Paragraph
Context Clues

What did Apollo 11 do?

Apollo 11 was the first space ship to land on the moon.


Put this sentence in your own words

"In the 1800s, after the Civil War, the government passed laws that ended slavery and gave citizenship and voting rights to African Americans." 

After the civil war ended, there were laws that ended slavery.  African Americans could become citizens and vote. 


"The final picture was altogether different from the dream. Most thought they’d be going straight to the moon with one spacecraft, land, and come straight back. Instead, as the plan evolved, it called for two very different craft: a command and service module for flight and a lunar module (LM) to land on the surface. "

Put this paragraph in your own words.

At first they thought that there would just be one spaceship, but instead they needed two space ships. 


"Mary Jackson was the first African American woman to move up the ranks and become an engineer at NACA.  She was a fighter, standing up for herself and others."

Why do you think Mary Jackson had to fight to get treated fairly? (hint: use background knowledge)

Mary Jackson had to fight to get treated fairly because at that time many people thought that women couldn't be engineers and that black people weren't that smart. (We know this isn't true).


"The final picture was altogether different from the dream. Most thought they’d be going straight to the moon with one spacecraft, land, and come straight back. Instead, as the plan evolved, it called for two very different craft: a command and service module for flight and a lunar module (LM) to land on the surface. "

Use context clues to figure out the meaning of evolved. 

Evolved= changed


What year did Apollo 11 take place?

a. 1910

b. 1969

c. 2005

d. 2019

Apollo 11 took place in 1969.


"For many African Americans, World War II was an opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families."

World War II gave African Americans a chance to make a better life for themselves.


"During the 1930s, the United States experienced the Great Depression, a decade-long period of economic struggle. Jobs became difficult to find and wages decreased dramatically. All Americans suffered, but African Americans faced the most serious challenges in finding work."

The Great Depression lowered wages and made it hard for many Americans to find jobs, but African Americans were affected by it the most.


"Dorothy Vanghan was a pioneer, she was the first to be promoted into a management position. She was a role model for other women, and she helped to steer the careers of many talented women who were joining the NACA" 

Why do you think Dorothy was a role model for others?

She was a role model for other women because in that time period African Americans women were rarely given the opportunity to hold higher position in companies because they weren't seen as equals.


"During the 1930s, the United States experienced the Great Depression, a decade-long period of economic struggle. Jobs became difficult to find and wages decreased dramatically. All Americans suffered, but African Americans faced the most serious challenges in finding work."

Use context clues to determine the. meaning of econmic and wages

economic=  having to do with money

wages= salary, how much workers get paid


Who was the first person to step on the moon?

The first person to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong.


"Some communities charged or enforced literacy requirements or imposed other restrictions that made it difficult or impossible for black people to register and vote."

Communities had many restrictions that made it hard for black people to vote.


"Black men enlisted in the military in large numbers. Even though they served in separate black infantry regiments, usually overseen by white officers, they believed that their loyalty would help blacks earn rights that white citizens had."

Many black men joined the military even though they were separated from white men because they thought it would help them get the same rights as white men.  


"Many states and local governments passed other laws that legalized racial segregation. These regulations, which were most common in the South, kept black people and white people apart in many situations." 

Why do you think regulations were made in the South that legalized racial segregation?

Regulations were made in the south that legalized racial segregation because racial discrimination was still very common.


"Black men enlisted in the military in large numbers. Even though they served in separate black infantry regiments, usually overseen by white officers, they believed that their loyalty would help blacks earn rights that white citizens had."

Use context clues to determine the meaning of enlisted

enlisted= join, served


How long were Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon?

a. they were not on the moon

b. 21 hours

c. 10 minutes

d. 5 days

Armstrong and Aldrin were on the moon for 21 hours and 36 minutes.


"Mary Jackson was the first African-American woman to move up the ranks and become an engineer at the NACA."

The first woman to become an engineer at the NACA was Mary Jackson.


"Apollo 11 was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969."

Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20,1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to land on the moon.  It was the first spaceflight to land humans on the moon.


"African Americans had the right to vote. However many local laws made it impossible for them to do so. Some communities changed or enforced literary requirements or imposed other restrictions that made it difficult or impossible for black people to register and vote." 

Why do you think laws were put in place to make it difficult for black people to vote? 

Laws were put in place to make it difficult for black people to vote because they did not want African Americans to have rights.


Apollo 11 was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969. It was a huge achievement for the United States.

Use context clues to determine the meaning of achievement. 

achievement= event, accomplishment


Where did the rocket launch from?

a. China

b. Oakland

c. Florida

d. New York

The rocket launched from Merritt Island Florida.


"Apollo 11 was launched by a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, on July 16 at 13:32 UTC, and it was the fifth crewed mission of NASA's Apollo program."

On July 16 Apollo 11 was the fifth mission of NASAs program and was launched by a Saturn V rocket from the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida.


"Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden loved math. As children, they showed special skill in arithmetic, and they went on to study mathematics in college. After graduation they worked as teachers before working as “computers” or mathematicians, for the government’s air and space program."

Dorothy, Mary, Katherine and Christine Loved math. They worked as teachers before working as mathematicians for the government air and space program.


"Black men enlisted in the military in large numbers. Even though they served in separate black infantry regiments, usually overseen by white officers, they believed that their loyalty and patriotism would help blacks to earn rights that white citizens had."

Why was World War II an opportunity for African Americans to make a better life for themselves?

Since discrimination was still very common, they thought that serving in the military like white people would help blacks earn the same rights white citizens had. 


"Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden loved math. As children, they showed special skill in arithmetic, and they went on to study mathematics in college. After graduation they worked as teachers before working as “computers” or mathematicians, for the government’s air and space program."

Use context clues to determine what computers mean in this sentence

computers= mathematicians