Who is known as the "Great One" In hockey?
What is Wayne Gretzky
What is Ronald Mcdonald
a movie based on 2 brothers who are plumbers who went through a portal and ended up in a different Dimension
what is Super Mario brothers
Where is Brazil
What is South America
Epic games most popular game
What is Fortnite
Who scored the winning goal in the 4 nations face off this year.
What is Connor Mcdavid
Which fast food place sells Whoppers.
What is Burger King
what movie is centered around a villian named Gru
What is Despicable me 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Minions
The most populated country in the world
What is India
A game with villagers with big noses
What is Minecraft
which NBA player owns a clothing brand named Air Jordan
What is Michael Jordan
What fast food restaurant closes on Sunday
what is Chick-fil-A
where is kevin in Home Alone 2
What is New York
The largest country in the world
What is Russia
A game with the nickname "Car soccer"
What is Rocket League
What NBA team drafted Lebron James
What is Cleveland Cavaliers
Who founded KFC
Colonel Sanders
Who is the owner of all the toys including Woody in toy story
What is Andy
The currency most European countries use
What is The Euro
A game that makes you explore looking for mythical creatures on your phone
What is Pokemon Go
Who scored the game winning goal in overtime in game 5 of the 2014 Stanley Cup Final on the Los Angeles Kings
What is Alec Martinez
The first ever Fast Food Place
What is White Castle
who is The karate kid's master/sensei
What is Mr miyagi
What is Wyoming
the first ever video game
What is Pong