The friend he has known the longest
Who is Jessy?
What is University of California Irvine?
True or false: Jake used to brew his own beer
True! And he won a couple of awards for them
The full name of the love of his life
Who is Jessy Katherine Milligan?
The food he refuses to eat
What is anything green? (Veggies and salad are also acceptable)
The name of the first dog he lived with
Who is Woofer?
The major he complete as an undergraduate
What is chemistry?
The course Jake recently completed as a fun hobby
What is Sommelier level one?
The location of where he proposed to her
What is Coronado?
His preferred way of cooking
What is smoking? (Smoking meat)
His first car and its name
What is a Ford F150 and Jenny?
The name of his current employer
What is Paragon Therapeutics?
This is his favorite type of beer
What is a west coast IPA? (Just IPA is acceptable)
The location they went on their honeymoon
What is a cruise to the Bahamas?
Not counting smoked meat, this is the type of food he considers his favorite
What is breakfast foods?
The number of bones he has broken (bonus to name the bones)
What is one? His nose
The job he considers his first “big boy” job (though others would disagree)
What is Pfizer?
This is his favorite red wine region
What is Tuscany?
What is Lil’ Wifey?
He considers this his ultimate comfort food
What is mac-and-cheese and hot dogs?
The age he began wearing glasses
What is 8 years?
If money were not an issue, the type of place Jake would choose to work at
What is a brewery?
When walking together, this is the hand he must hold - or else he will refuse and say, “gross”
What is the left hand?
Whenever the name of this restaurant is spoken he must go ASAP
What is In-N-Out?