This video game was released along with the launch of the original xbox and it featured a mysterious ring like planetary surface.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Americas most popular form of entertainment in the average household today.
This movie was the most tweeted about in 2019. notably this movie sees a beloved character die.
Avengers: End Game
Someone who has betrayed someone or something and they might be considered this...
This person is known for Farting and Slamming. Also known for talking so fast its almost impossible to understand what they are saying.
Felix "xQc" Lengyel
This game was the second installment in a popular rollerblading/rollerskating series.
Jet Set Radio: Future
this corporation is one of the dominating online shopping and delivery methods in america.
What Emoji was most used by twitter users in 2019?
Laughing Crying emoji.
A slang word for someone who might be very good at basketball.
Thicc Compilations can be seen of this person. Their name is a reference to a popular video game series.
In 2006, Rockstar games released this title that let you play as a character known as Jimmy.
the number 1 leading cause of death in america.
Heart Disease
In what year was twitter created?
Something someone in christian faith might commit and have to repent would be called a
This you tube star is known for having a successful makeup line and clothing brand. they also can be seen in many instances of drama on the website.
Jeffrey Star
In what year was the best selling title "Super Mario Galaxy" for the Nintendo Wii released.
This Korean popstar group has made a huge impression in america over the last 2 years. there most popular song is " Boy with Luv"
This person has the most followers on twitter.
Barack Obama
This person would most likely work at a grocery store along side the cashier to help put away purchased goods.
This online Celebrity has been seen tweeting this "WITCH HUNT!"
Donald Trump
This popular game depicted a post apocalyptic setting and the main characters father was voiced by Liam Neeson.
Fallout 3
This #1 tourist destination in america sees roughly 50 million visitors a year.
New York, New York
One of the most retweeted tweets was in regards to fast food chain wendy's. what was this tweet about?
Getting Free chicken nuggets for a year.
A type of big cat and can also be used to describe a beautiful older woman.
What youtube channel did popular creator PewDiePie have beef with in which they were racing to see who would hit 100m subscribers first?