Early Life
Historical Events

Who was appointed by the Promised Messiah (as) to teach the Holy Quran nazirah to Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra)?

Hafiz Ahmadullah Nagpoori


When was Khilafat Jubilee celebrated?

In 1939, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra)’s Khilafat reached 25 years, and the Jubilee was celebrated.


Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) divided the Jamaat into which five auxiliary organizations?

 Lajna Imai’llah                                  - ladies above the age of 15

       Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya                 - girls 7 to 15 years old

       Majlis Ansarullah                        - men above the age of 40

       Majlis Khuddamal Ahmadiyya   - men between the ages of 15 and 40

       Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya         - boys 7 to 15 years old


What did Hadhrat Muslehh-e-Maud say to describe Rabwah?

Seeing Rabwah one is reminded of the times when Allah had re-laid the foundation of Mecca through Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his son Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him). [Al-Fazal Nov. 26th 1961]


When Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) finished the Holy Quran nazirah, the Promised Messiah (as) wrote an Amin prayer. What were the first two verses of this prayer?

Ham do sana osi ko jo zaat jawidaani

Hamsar nahi hai os ka koi ne koi saani

Baqi wohi hamaish ghair os kay sub hain faani

Ghairon se dil lagana jhutee hai sub kahani


Due to the increase in Tabligh efforts of the Jamaat, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) started the Waqf-e-Zindagi scheme on December 7, 1917. How many youth presented their names for this scheme?

In this scheme, 63 youth presented their names.


Which two organizations did Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) declare as the two arms of the national scheme?

Hudhur (ra) named Lajna Imai’llah and Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya as the two arms of the national scheme.


Before Jamia Ahmadiyya there was a different name provided to this seminary for religious leaders?

For the fulfilment of this task he established Nazarat Dawato Tabligh in 1919, and the Madrasa Ahmadiyya as the basic centre. In 46 Islamic countries Missions were solidly established when he departed from this world. And around them active and sincere Jamaats exist till now.


When did Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) marry for the first time and to whom?

In October 1902, his nikaah was performed with Hadhrat Saeeda Mahmooda Begum Sahiba, daughter of Hadhrat Dr. Khalifa Rashidiuddin Sahib (ra) in Rurhki. The marriage took place in 1903.


During the Khilafat of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra), the Hindus launched a campaign, which was called ‘The Shuddi Movement’. What is that?

Muhammad bin Qasim established an Islamic government in Hindustan in 712, after which many Hindus converted to Islam. However, in some areas of the subcontinent, the practices of Muslims were the same as Hindus and they were Muslims by name only. In the 18th century, Pandit Dianand Saraswati started a campaign to convert Muslims to Hinduism in the Indian subcontinent. This was called the Shuddi Movement. Due to this movement, many Muslims who did not know much about Islam converted to Hinduism.


After three years of establishing Lajna Imai’llah,  Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) opened a school in Qadian in `1925 for the education of Ahmadi women. Name that school?

Madrassa-tul- Khawateen (School for Women) in which, along with other teachers, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) also used to teach.


What names were given to Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) in the revealed statement ?

Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) was named Fazl, Mahmood and Bashir Sani. In one revelation, his name is shown as Fazl-e-Umar.


On the demise of the Promised Messiah (as), many of the opponents of Ahmadiyyat were very critical. On this matter, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) wrote a book to answer all of these criticisms. What was the name of that book?

“Sadqon Ki Roshni ko kaun door kar sakta hai” (‘who can dismiss the light of the truthful’) This was his first book.


In a public gathering in Delhi in 1944, claiming himself to be the "Musleh Maoud" (Promised Reformer) and reiterating his challenge about the interpretation of the truths and wisdom of the Holy Quran, he declared:

"I do claim now again that even if thousands of scholars assembled to compete with me in writing commentaries of Quran, yet the world would accept and acknowledge that my commentary was unique in wisdom of divine truths in depth."


On the occasion of Majlis-e-Shura in 1941, what was decided about the representation of Lajna?

Hadhrat Fazl-e-Umar (ra) decided at the Shura of 1941 that Lajna Imai’llah will be represented by a male member in the Majlis-e-Shura.


Name the three elders who were granted the title of “Khalid” by Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra)?

Hadhrat Maulana Jalaluddin Shams Sahib, 

Hadhrat Maulana Abul-ata Jalandhari Sahib 

Hadhrat Abdul Rahman Khadim Sahib.


In 1905, during the life of the Promised Messisah (as), Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) laid the foundation for an Anjuman. What was the name of this Anjuman and what do you know about it?

Its name is Anjuman Tashizul Azhan. This monthly magazine proved to be very motivational for the Ahmadi youth writers. In the form of this magazine, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) established a small factory where writers of high caliber were being generated.


What is the background of lectures regarding “Sair-e-Roohani?”

In October 1938, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) traveled to Sindh, Karachi, Bombay, Hyderabad Dakkan, Agra, and Delhi. During these travels, Hudhur (ra) was blessed with many divine revelations. In 1938, Hudhur (ra) started a series of lectures in the name of “Sair-e-Roohani.” These speeches have been published in three volumes.


When did Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) formed Lajna Ima’illah? Who were the first Secretary and the first Sadr?

On December 25, 1922, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra) formed Lajna Ima’illah. The first secretary was Hadhrat Amtul Haye Sahiba. Lajna members requested Hadhrat Ummul-Momineen to accept its presidency, but she appointed Hadhrat Umme-Nasir Sahiba as Sadr Lajna Ima’illah.


Who issued the Hijri Shamsi calendar and why?

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) started it in 1938 so that it could be used in place of the Islamic calendar. The Hijri Shamsi calendar is like the CE calendar in which the year starts in January.