Ackee and saltfish
What is the national Dish of Jamaica?
What is the National Fruit of Jamaica?
Lisa Hannah and Toniann Singh
Who are Miss World winners who represented Jamaica?
Dunn's River, Turtle beach and river, Chukka Cove
St. Ann
The only school to exclusively cater to students who are blind and visually impaired
What is the Salvation Army School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Children?
Is the Minister of Jamaica
Who is Andrew Holness?
Jamaica gain its independence
What is in 1962?
Usain Bolt's 100m record is this
What is 9.58
Seven miles of long sandy beach, Kool Running Water Park,
The Salvation Army School for the Blind and Visually Impaired School address.
Where is 57 Mannings Hill Rd, Kgn 8?
'Eternal father bless out land'
What is the National Anthem?
Spanish Town was this before Kingston
What is the first capital of Jamaica?
'My boy lollipop' was ....
Who is Milly Smalls song?
Trident Castle, Buff Bay, Somersetfalls, Blue Lagoon
Identify this person by the following phrase:
'Hello, hello'
Who is Mrs. Taylor?
Black, green and gold
What are National Colours of Jamaica?
Cornwall, Middlesex and Surrey
What are the 3 counties of Jamaica?
The only female heroine of Jamaica
Who is Nanny of the Maroon?
Portmore, mosquitoes, Fort Clarence Beach
St. Catherine
'We build our school'
What is the school song?
Complete this sentence:
Before god and all mankind..........
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart.
He was the first Prime Minister of Jamaica
Who is Alexander Bustamante?
Jamaica first colonized by _______ then by the __________.
Who are the spanish and then the english?
Lovers Leap, First parish to get electricity and largest German settlement in Jamaica
St. Elizabeth
Spell the name of the principal (FIRST OR LAST NAME)