Food & Clothing
What is the official language in Jamaica?
What is English
What is Jamaicas average temperature?
What is anything from 32 to 34 degrees
How many languages does Jamaica have?
What is 1 (ENGLISH) Patois is a DIALECT
What is Jamaicas warmest season?
What is Summer
Is Jamaica the largest Island in the Caribbean?
What is No
What are the top two ethnic groups in Jamaica?
What is African and Chinese
What are most houses in Jamaica made out of?
What is Board and Concrete Block
What are the names of the BIG THREE In Track and Field?
Who is Elaine Thompson Herah, Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce and Sheri kami Jackson
What is the special language in Jamaica?
What is Patois
Which city means EIGHT RIVERS in Jamaica?
What is Ocho (8) Rios (Rivers)