Board Games
Motion Pictures
L.A. Trivia
Let's Get Personal
Current U.S. Presidents

One of the most popular titles of all time, this game is licensed in 103 countries and printed in 37 languages.

What is Monopoly?


This 1990s romantic comedy featuring identical twins that meet at summer camp was filmed at Lake Arrowhead.

What is The Parent Trap?


This is the oldest Los Angeles sports franchise. 

What are the LA Dodgers?


This is where James’s family lived from 2008 to 2012.

What is Singapore?


Prior to Trump, this was the last President to win the electoral college while losing the popular vote.

Who is George W. Bush?)


This 2017 strategy game is the highest rated title on BoardGameGeek, recently unseating Pandemic Legacy: Season 1.

What is Gloomhaven?


This iconic 1990s comedy includes a scene of Bill Murray, Larry Byrd, and two other celebs playing golf at the Lake Arrowhead Country Club.

What is Space Jam?


This is Lake Arrowhead’s primary industry.

What is tourism?


During college, James amassed a collection of this popular 1980s fashion item.

What are Members Only jackets?


Trump famously Tweeted that he has never seen a thin person drinking this popular beverage.

What is Diet Coke?)


This country sells the most board games per capita worldwide.

What is Germany?


Rob Reiner and Aaron Sorkin’s 1995 romantic and political drama features the UCLA Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead as a stand-in for Camp David.

What is The American President?


Lake Arrowhead is located in this California county.

What is San Bernardino County?


This is the name of James’s industry-focused podcast.

What is All Things Video?


Trump publicly attacked this iconic female calling her “unattractive both inside and out” and saying “I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man - he made a good decision.”

Who is Arianna Huffington?


This abstract strategy game is considered to be the most intellectually challenging in the world.

What is Go?


Nicholas Cage can see the future in this 2007 flick, which features both a convoluted plot and some great Lake Arrowhead scenery.

What is Next?


Los Angeles was originally colonized by this country.

What is Spain?


James studied these three programs at USC.

What are Business Administration, Political Science, and Film Production?


Although he graduated from the Wharton School, this is the original university that Trump attended.

What is Fordham University?)


This Egyptian pastime, found in Predynastic burials c. 3500 BC, is the oldest board game known to have existed.

What is Senet?


The 1937 musical drama Heidi, much of which was filmed in Lake Arrowhead, stars which leading child actress as the title character?

Who is Shirley Temple?


This was the original name of Lake Arrowhead, prior to 1920.

What is Little Bear Lake?


Aside from tutoring and teaching piano lessons, this was James’s first “real job” during high school.

What is Action Sports?


This is the number of deferments Trump received to avoid serving in the Vietnam War.

What is five?)