During a hike at Hemlock Cliffs, a family member uttered this statement after hurting themselves on a short adventure...
"I hit my rock on my knee"
What is, and always has been Gabe's favorite color?
How many boxers has the Family had over the years?
Macy, Scobby, Lucy, Leo, Jack. 5 Boxers
What is the name of the resort we stayed at with Mary and JR, contrary to our usual resort of choice...
What year was Gabe born?
Gabe's room downstairs is this color...
Jack used to get in trouble for playing in...
The famous Sea Pines alligator went by this name...
Mom added this quote to the infamous 2019 Christmas Card: "Grace graduated from Penn", "Garrett is academic all-state", and "Gabe is..."
"a freshman"
Gabe's favorite subject in highschool was...
What 3 dogs did the James family all have at once, albeit for a very short period?
Lucy, Harley, Glory
Uncle JR used the lead the charge on this project while at the beach...
Hot tub
What year will Gabe graduate college?
While at Disney, Dad stated this while talking to a stranger after seeing Gabe chase geese/ducks...
"We're from Kentucky"
What was the only class Gabe received a C or worse in high school?
Jack will always be known as Jack, but Gabe wanted to name him...
The guy who owned the house next to the place we always stayed in while in Sea Pines, the same guy who had the Elvis cut-out in his window was known as the what "guy"
Corvette Guy
What year did we visit Philly and Washington DC?
He is famous for "it's a Wii, it's a Wii", but what is the less thought-of, but an equally as funny quote by Garrett on that same Christmas day?
At his peak bulk, what did Gabe weigh junior year spring of high school?
Some may forget, but this Leo went by this name for 1 day...
On our most recent trip, Garrett became agitated over this dispute soon after arriving...
having to sleep on the pullout couch
What year did Gabe receive his driver's license?