2 + 1 = ____
4 - 0 = ___
4 - 0 = 4
Is the word "sum" an addition keyword?
Yes! Sum is an addition keyword!
There are 4 fish. 3 fish swim away. How many fish are left?
4 fish - 3 fish = 1 fish
7 + 3 = _____
10 - 5 = ____
10 - 5 = 5
Is the word "difference" a subtraction keyword?
Yes! Difference is a subtraction keyword!
I have 9 apples and I give 4 away to my friends. How many apples do I have left?
9 apples - 4 apples = 5 apples
10 + 4 = ____
10 + 4 = 14
8 - 8 = ____
8 - 8 = 0
Is the word "lost" and addition keyword?
No! Lost is a subtraction keyword!
I make 3 sand castles and my brother makes 8 sand castles. How many sand castles did we make in all?
3 sand castles + 8 sand castles = 11 sand castsles
0 + 6 = _____
0 + 6 = 6
8 - 7 = ___
8 - 7 = 1
Is the phrase "in all" a subtraction keyword?
No! In all is an addition keyword!
Sally has 5 pennies. Ethan has 2 pennies. How many more pennies does Sally have than Ethan?
5 pennies - 2 pennies = 3 pennies
12 + 3= ____
12 + 3 = 15
30 - 10 = ____
30 - 10 = 20
Is the word "altogether" an addition keyword?
Yes! Altogether is an addition keyword!
I have 10 cars and my brother has 6 cars. How many cars do we have in all?
10 cars + 6 cars = 16 cars