Human Rights
Conflict and Violence
International Development
International Law and environment
Midterm review
What are the rights that can be suspended in case of a national emergency. Ex. Habeus Corpus during the US Civil War.
Derogable Rights
Armed conflict between actors with highly unequal military capabilities, such as when terrorists or rebel groups fight strong states. Ex. War on Terror
What is Asymmetric Warfare
Basic structures necessary for social activity, such as transportation and telecommunications networks, and power and the water supply
What is Infrastructure?
International law that usually develops slowly, over time, as states recognize practices as appropriate and correct.
Customary international law
The absence of a central authority with the ability to make and enforce laws that bind all actors
What is anarchy?
What are the three origins of human rights?
Natural Law Conception Religious Roots Contract of Tradition
Name the three types of wars and explain what they are
What is Interstate conflict, Civil Wars and International violence by non-state actors.
Raw materials and agricultural products are examples of what type of products and what nations produce these types f products
What is primary products and LDC
Standards of behavior for actors with a given identity; these define what actions are "right" or appropriate under particular circumstances.
What is Norms
What are three methods a state can use in order to obtain their national interest.
What is coercion, bargaining and Persuasion?
What are examples of economic human rights and what was the big treaty that was adapted
What is Right to work, equal pay and education; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1976)
What are motives for terrorists? (Name two)
What is Coercion, Terrorism as a bargaining failure, Provocation, Spoiling, Outbidding
Manufacturing and technology are examples of what type of product? Also what type of nations produce these?
What is Secondary products and Developed nations?
Individuals or groups who seek to advance principled standards of behavior for states and other actors
What is norms entrepreneurs?
Who came up with the democratic peace theory?
Who is Michael Doyle
What are examples of civil and political human rights and name the treaty that was adapted to discuss civil and political rights
What is Freedom of Speech, Voting, Assembly and right to a fair trial; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976)
A conflict in which two opposing states "fight" by supporting opposite sides in war, such as the government and rebels in a third state
What is a Proxy War
Associations of producers of commodities (raw materials and agricultural products) that restrict world supply and thereby cause the price of the goods to rise
What are commodity cartels?
An amendment to the UN framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted in 1997 and entered into force in 2005, that establishes specific targets for reducing emissions of CO2 and five other greenhouse gases.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
A set of rules, known and shared by the community, that structure political interactions in particular ways.
What is institution?
What are methods that human rights groups and governments use in order to enforce human rights treaties? (Name two)
What is Naming and Shaming, Condemn by international bodies including UN human rights council, Critics by media, Sanctions and embargoes,
Actors whose interests are not widely shared by others; individuals or groups that are politically weak relative to the demands they make
Who are extremists?
Whose article argues that one would help someone who was in dire straits next to you, you should do the same for someone in the different part of the world. Basically, developed nations should assist LDC
Peter Singer
Characterizing a public good; if the good is available to one actor to consume, then other actors cannot be from consuming it as well.
What is non excludable
What are the three most importan things to look at when studying world politics?
What are interests, interactions and institutions?