Who finds baby Moses?
Egyptian Princess
Which plague is the angel of death?
God sent ___ plagues.
I was rescued from certain death by the daughter of Pharaoh and raised as an Egyptian prince. I committed a crime and fled to a foreign land. Even with the stain of sin, I was later chosen by God to lead his people out of bondage. Who am I?
How many sons did Noah have?
What does Moses' mother hide him in?
Did Pharoah's firstborn die?
Moses is written in the book of ___.
I was a great speaker. So great, in fact that the Lord chose me to be a spokesman along with my brother. We approached Pharaoh with our requests to release the Israelites from bondage. Regrettably, I became lost for a time. I slipped off the righteous path when I approved of my people worshiping a false god, but the Lord returned me to Him again. Who am I?
In the story of Daniel and the lions den, who shut the mouths of the lions?
Which plague did Pharoah's magicians recreate?
water to blood (first plague)
What happens if there is no blood on a house?
hint: two things
Firstborn human and livestock dies
Moses was an Egyptian prince for ____ years?
God changed my name to Israel. Who am I?
When Moses went on Mount Sinai, what did God give him?
10 Commandments
Why does Moses run away?
He killed an Egyptian
What was painted on the Israelite's houses to make God's destroyer pass over their house?
After Moses grows up he realizes he is not an Egyptian but a ____.
I was a man of God, a Nazarite. Yet I allowed my carnal weaknesses, especially my love for unworthy women, to destroy me. They led me astray, so that I was lost to the Lord. I did find Him again, even though I was blind by that time. I gave my life in destroying His enemies. Who am I?
Where did Adam and Eve live?
Garden of Eden
Where does Moses learn he needs to free the Israelites?
Burning bush
What animal did the Israelites slaughter so the firstborn would not be killed?
Moses is a ___ in the wilderness for 40 years.
Tasked with a mission impossible, I marched my people to the walls of Jericho to face off the giants and God guaranteed our victory. Who am I?
What was the name of the angel who told Mary she was going to be giving birth to Jesus?
Angel Gabriel