In Chapter 1, why is Jane living with her aunt?
Both her parents are dead.
In Chapter 3, where does Jane first meet Mr Rochester?
On the road from the village.
In Chapter 5, why does Jane receive a letter from Mrs Reed?
Mrs Reed is dying and wants Jane to go and visit her.
In Chapter 7, why does Jane tell her new friends that she is called Jane Elliott?
In case Mr Rochester tries to find her.
In Chapter 9, what does Jane discover about Thornfield Hall?
It has burnt down.
In Chapter 2, why are many of the girls at school ill?
They don't get enough to eat and they are always cold.
In Chapter 4, how does Mr Rochester react to the arrival of Mr Mason?
He looks alarmed and his face turns white.
In Chapter 5, who does Mr Rochester want to marry?
Jane Eyre.
In Chapter 8, why does Jane not marry St John Rivers?
She doesn't love him.
In Chapter 9, where is Mrs Fairfax said to have been when Thornfield Hall was destroyed?
She was visiting friends.
In Chapter 1, what object does John Reed throw at Jane?
A book.
In Chapter 3, what does Jane say is the only problem living at Thornfield Hall?
It is very quiet and sometimes she is a little bored.
In Chapter 6, why is the wedding stopped?
It is revealed that Mr Rochester already has a wife.
In Chapter 8, how is Jane related to her new friends John, Diana, and Mary?
They are cousins.
In Chapter 9, who did Mr Rochester live with after Thornfield Hall was destroyed?
His two servants.
In Chapter 2, what colour are the dresses that the girls wear at school?
In Chapter 4, what does Mr Mason tell Mr Rochester to do?
Look after her.
In Chapter 6, what happens two days before the wedding?
A woman takes Jane's veil and tears it to pieces.
In Chapter 7, where does St John Rivers want to work?
In Chapter 9, how many children do Jane and Mr Rochester have?