Multiple Choice 1
Multiple Choice 2
Multiple Choice 3
He decided that Jane’s nerves were not in a good state and asked if she would like to go to school
Who is Mr. Lloyd
The governesses referred to in Jane Eyre were A) highly paid B) aristocratic by birth C) well traveled D) often lonely and humiliated
What is D
Mr. Rochester forces Jane to appear in the drawing-room every evening while the Ingrams and the other guests are at Thornfield because A) he knows Jane will become jealous of Blanche B) he wants to test Jane’s resolve C) he thinks Jane can learn much by being in the company of refined ladies and gentleman D) he would enjoy seeing Jane tell Blanche exactly what she thinks of her
What is B
Which of the following statements does not describe Jane's understanding of Mrs. Reed's treatment of her? A. The Reeds would have been kinder had she (Jane) been prettier. B. Jane didn't like the Reed children. C. Jane didn't fit in with the family. D. Jane was too intelligent, which made Mrs. Reed feel that her own children were inferior.
What is D
He tormented Jane as a child
Who is John
After eight years at Lowood, Jane decides to leave because she A) has had an argument with Miss Temple B) knows the school will soon be torn down C) desires liberty D) wants to marry
What is C
The gypsy woman tells Blanche A) she will soon be Rochester’s fiancee B) she will inherit a great fortune C) things that make her cry D) things that embarrass and upset her
What is D
What does Miss Ingram act out in Charades? A. A bride B. A gypsy C. A governess D. A queen
What is A
She was a pious and gentle teacher who engaged Helen in complex scholarly discussions
Who is Miss Temple
The watercolors that Jane shows Mr. Rochester A) are bright and cheerful B) convey a lonely and eerie mood C) were based on the places Jane has visited D) depict her friends and teachers at Lowood
What is B
After the plague ended at Lowood, all of the following were found to be possible causes of the disease EXCEPT A) the quality and quantity of the food B) the spread of the disease by Helen C) the pupil’s wretched clothing / accommodations D) the unhealthy nature of the site
What is B
What is unusual about Jane's first meeting with Mr. Rochester? A. Mr. Rochester does not tell Jane who he is. B. Mr. Rochester does not speak to Jane. C. He acts as though he detests her. D. She feels an eerie chill, a premonition of something evil associated with him.
What is A
The tall, dark supercilious woman who saw herself as the future Mrs. Rochester until hearing rumors of his poor financial situation
Who is Blanche Ingram
Which was the first setting of Jane Eyre? A) Gateshead B) Gatewood C) Thorngate D) Gatesmouth
What is A
Remembering her conversation with Mr. Lloyd, Jane reflects, “No, I was not heroic enough to purchase liberty a the price of caste.” As a child, Jane A) was unwilling to live with poor relatives B) didn’t have enough money to find her relatives C) believed that the poor were as worthy as the rich D) preferred being poor to being enslaved
What is A
What does Jane perceive in the relationship between Blanche and Mr. Rochester? A. She sees that they are deeply in love. B. She sees that Mr. Rochester loves Blanche, but she does not love him. C. She sees that Blanche's flirtatious arrows miss their mark, and Mr. Rochester does not love her. D. She sees that they both really despise the other but are playing the courting game for amusement and money.
What is C
Tells Jane about the possibility of Jane having a rich uncle.
Who is Bessie
The Ingrams’ manners can best be described as A) genteel and civil at all times B) snobbish and rude C) awkward and unpolished D) typically middle-class
What is B
What atmosphere is created by the following description: “I lingered in the long passage to which this led . . . narrow, low, and dim . . . and looking like a corridor in some Bluebeard’s castle.” A) tranquil and peaceful B) cheerful and gay C) gloomy and threatening D) shifting and unpredictable
What is C
How did Mr. Rochester become the master of Thornfield? a. His father bought it from the Eyres b. His father died and he became owner. c. His brother died and he became owner d. His brother moved out of the country so he became temporary owner
What is C