The body part mom broke as a child
what is her arm
The year mom let her hair go gray
what is 2019?
This was said to Mike and Ann's fake foreign exchange student
What is "Welcome to America"
This war occurred in the 1960s
What is the Vietnam war?
the item mom stole in high school and feared for her permanent record
The reason mom went into accounting
what is "to get that bag"
This was said to elementary school john playing soccer
What is "turn it"
This team won the world series in the year 1964
The grocery store mom worked at out of college
what is Basils? (mom I dont know)
The amount mom can leg press
285 (dang girl)
what is "You better get that going now"?
This country won the 1964 world cup
The company mom worked at for years right out of college
what is Arthur Anderson?
The amount of promotions mom has gotten but has refused
what is 4(mom please confirm)
This is said when you are going to the beach and it is cloudy out and someone says I dont need sunscreen
what is "it is a high burn day" or "youll be sorry"?
The year we walked on the moon
What is 1969
What is 1986
Moms favorite thing to do on a day off
what is climb the corporate ladder?
This is said when talking about the interaction between ibuprofen and acetaminophen
What is "you can rotate the two"?
The biggest national event that happened in 1964 that changed the political landscape
what is moms birth