Types of work related asthma
Occupational and work exacerbated
Physiologic response to diving
Bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction and splenic contraction
Actor who plays Beetlejuice
Michael Keaton
Size and shape (p,q,r,t,u)
Perfusion (measure of the concentration of small opacities per unit area of zone of lung)
What is the only known effective treatment for hepatopulmonary syndrome?
Joe has existing asthma that gests worse every time he's at work. What type of work related asthma is this?
Work exacerbated asthma
How many types of decompression sickness exists?
I and II
Best selling solo artist of all time
Elvis Presly
Second most common type of tracheal neoplasm
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
When should you evaluate for immunodeficiencies?
Multiple episodes of pneumonia, unusual pathogen in single infection, complicated PNA, poor response to antimicrobial therapy, chronic infections, unusual sites
Pre-existing or concurrent asthma
Increased symptoms associated with work
Workplace exposures exacerbated asthma
OA is unlikely
Describe decompression sickness
Dissolved gases can change phase to the gaseous form
Caused by damage to organs and tissues as a result of free gas production
John McClane is the famed action hero in which series
Die Hard
Bochdalek hernia is through a defect in the anterior or posterior hemidiaphragm?
Posterior hemidiaphragm
Tracheobronchial pain is innervated by which fibers?
Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome?
Onset of asthma within 24 hours after a single exposure to irritant substances in subjects without pre-existing asthma
Pre-hospital care for decompression sickness involves administering this substance to enhance the rate of absorption and resolution of inert gas bubbles
100% oxygen
Queen of POP
What pulmonary complication is seen in 60 to 80% of dialysis patients at autopsy?
Metastatic pulmonary calcification
What is Mondor Syndrome?
Superficial thrombophlebitis of the chest wall
Some additional testing to confirm OA?
Serial testing of peak expiratory flow and/or bronchial hyper-reponsivensss at work and off work
The divers alert network can provide directions to the nearest facility with this treatment ASAP
Hyperbaric chamber
"what we've got here is a failure to communicate"
Cool Hand Luke
A persistent large pleural effusion after an episode of pancreatitis with rapid recurrence after drainage with high amylase levels would signify what complication?
Pancreaticopleural fistula
The new pulmonary hypertension combination pill contains which medicines?
Macitentan and Tadalafil